Ugh, Kat, good luck with everything.
Yay for Pumpkin!
Sorry about the sciatica, Stephanie.
I totally read that as beer instead of bear. My brain was providing commentary like "Oh, beer behind the building. That's not so bad. But why do they want people to park elsewhere? Are they afraid people will stop and get drunk on the way into work? If that's the case, perhaps they shouldn't chill beer behind the building. Allyson works at a very odd place."
Now I want someone to chill some beer behind my building.
smonster, I hope you didn't stay up all night watching FNL. Not that I haven't done that or anything.
So why did anyone involved think that tear gas was an appropriate use of force?
It's 4:30 and I'm done! Now, do I go to sleep for 2 1/2 hours, or just push through until it's time to go to work?
take a 90 minute-2 hour nap.
You're right. I only got about 3 1/2 hours last night.
You can do other things with your gourd-of-the-month club membership. You can do etching, bas reliefs, painting and wood burning. Why stop with just carving?
It's Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers.
Well, I got more sleep than planned, but that meant I had to come back to the house to finish getting ready for work. Which I'll still be at early.
Parents are off, it was an awesome visit. I kept them and me busy, which I think is key to me not getting irritated. Also discovered that having people over when they are visiting is an utter balm for me & makes me able to enjoy them more. I always figured it would be more exhausting (more people=more exhausting,) but I think it allows me to offload the need to entertain them, which means I get more pieces of me to put in reserve. I know, they are my parents and they'd have been perfectly content to sit around my house and read all week, but I cannot help but need to keep them engaged. And engaging 2 people 15+ hours a day, no matter who they are, probably moreso parents, leaves me fried.
OK, time to go to work.
And engaging 2 people 15+ hours a day, no matter who they are, probably moreso parents, leaves me fried.
Oh yeah. I'm glad my parents don't always want to engage... Sounds like a good visit, though!
It is a lot of annoying when my employer makes it impossible for me to actually get my daughter to school so I can get to own my job.
Seriously! Sheesh.
I woke up at 5:30, and should have just gotten up, because instead I went back to sleep and dreamed about working with some bonus apartment-hunting thrown in. I'm exhausted from it!
I love that Sue's link says:
"The next thing I’m going to do is carve one of the longer gourds into a perfect replica of the Mayflower as a shout-out to our Pilgrim forefathers. Then I’m going to do lines of blow off its hull with a hooker. "
It all comes back to hookers and blow!
Knee is 50% less agonizing. I actually walked up and down one flight of stairs yesterday with only 2 or 3 major twinges in the hinges. And I didn't fall. It doesn't hurt to just walk, which is good. I think Saturday the issue was that I sat in a training for 6+ hours and it locked my ITB up.
I cannot be zen about today.