I love that Sue's link says:
"The next thing I’m going to do is carve one of the longer gourds into a perfect replica of the Mayflower as a shout-out to our Pilgrim forefathers. Then I’m going to do lines of blow off its hull with a hooker. "
It all comes back to hookers and blow!
Knee is 50% less agonizing. I actually walked up and down one flight of stairs yesterday with only 2 or 3 major twinges in the hinges. And I didn't fall. It doesn't hurt to just walk, which is good. I think Saturday the issue was that I sat in a training for 6+ hours and it locked my ITB up.
I cannot be zen about today.
Health ~ma to Hubs.
And to Kat, and Bartleby, and anyone else in need. (Except maybe the zombie poodle.)
Oh, that poor dog.
All kinds of ~ma to Hubs, Fred. And hang in there, Kat.
I have one of those stupid twitches under my left eye, and I've eaten my banana. I want it to stop now, please.
Health~ma to Hubs, Fred, and strength to you.
Lots of get-and-stay-healthy vibes sent Hubs-ward and to everyone else who needs to feel better!!
I just need to stay awake for the next 12 hours, at which point I should be home from class and can crash. I ended up getting a 75-minute nap before waking up at 6:45. At least I was able to print out my bibliography just now at work (my printer from home ran out of ink after printing out the PP slides).
Coffee--lots of coffee...
Coffee--lots of coffee...
I still have half a cup. It's kind of tepid, though.
Best wishes for your hubs, Fred Pete!
I love my travel mug (from starbucks). It keeps coffee hot or cold for hours and hours.
Much health~ma for your Hubs, Fred.
I'm researching my Britain trip next summer. Currently bummed because the Orkney archaeologist tour (with driver) I was hoping to book is already full up for the time we'll be there. Oh, well, at least that'll save me some money (it would have been 350 pounds for the day). I am still thinking about getting a tour guide to take us around while I drive. I just want to make sure I see everything I can in the two or three days we'll be there, because I highly doubt I'll ever get back there again.