They have it "set up" so you can do get a free credit report, and you send them the confirmation number.
That definitely sounds hinky to me, especially as a first step in considering someone, rather than a last step before hiring. I don't think I've ever had a potential employer run a credit check on me before, though I could be wrong.
Well, that's nice news on your birthday!
It is, but six months? Lordy.
Right? Happy Birthday to you! (ETA: that was in response to Amy, not the six months part!)
brenda, yeah, that's strange. I thought you meant retroactively.
If I don't get a promotion and significant raise in Feb (when promotions usually occur), I will be looking for a new company. I've been here 4.5 years, longest of anywhere I've worked. I also work harder than I've ever worked anywhere.
java - they would be CRAXY not to give you a promotion/raise.
Our annual raises don't hit until April 1st, but we don't get our reviews back until around that time anyway.
K-Bug stopped by my pt's office and got my appt rescheduled for Monday. Grrrr. I need somthing before then. Will see what happens with the snow and then will call my massage gal.
Six months away is bizarro. However, yay raise? Um.
Yeah, that's what I'm used to. It's not the credit check itself, it's doing it prior to even an interview, much less a job offer, that seems fishy to me.
Yeah, that's totally craycray. After the offer, yes. Without even saying who they are? Fuckno.
Will see what happens with the snow and then will call my massage gal.
Massage! I'm sorry you're hurting, Suzi.
If I don't get a promotion and significant raise in Feb (when promotions usually occur), I will be looking for a new company. I've been here 4.5 years, longest of anywhere I've worked. I also work harder than I've ever worked anywhere.
Heh. This was me, almost to the letter, back this spring.