BTW, the tea that Beau likes is Gyokuro and he said he notices a distinct difference between the tea when we get it online vs the store. He says it is fresher at the Teavana store versus when it comes in the foil bags through the mail.
Seeing as how I'm not going in the fucking store anymore, I think that's an interesting comment. But I'm not going to experience this difference myself.
Wasn't Steph trying to get to Street View *in* the Quest View, though?
Lady Grey tea is lovely. Really light but with a lot of flavor.
bon, why are we avoiding a fight? What's the collateral damage you need to concern? Can you just tell her to pull the billion dollars out of her ass, and it might just relax her some?
It's not, like, your MIL, or something? Or a *boy*, because I just realised I'd assumed chick.
Lots of people say dumb things on facebook/the internet: it's not best for me to challenge them all. Especially if it's just a FoaF. It's a man. Here's the context:
Friend from sixth grade: "Just think what we could do if everyone had put $1 or $10 or $20 or whatever they spent on lottery tickets this week towards new textbooks for schools or electing better leaders or sustaining after-school programs for youth..."
Me: "But that's where lottery money does go."
Other commenter I don't know: "I read a thing once that said in one weekend, what Americans spend at the movies, we could end world hunger."
Wasn't Steph trying to get to Street View *in* the Quest View, though?
Yes. That is why it looks like that.
Other commenter I don't know: "I read a thing once that said in one weekend, what Americans spend at the movies, we could end world hunger."
Man, why didn't someone just tell us?
Damn, man. That tea's even more expensive than my pearls.
Maybe I'll go in and buy a cup from them.
Shit, they have a Jasmine oolong. Just a touch more expensive than my pearls...I wonder.
And I refuse to let those people keep me out of the store. THEY WILL NOT WIN.
The Motherfucking Batman.
Wasn't Steph trying to get to Street View *in* the Quest View, though?
Yes. That is why it looks like that.
I was, and I just thought maybe it should look better than that. Still Legend of Zelda-ish, but...better.
Man, why didn't someone just tell us?
Or like several dozen rich countries, many NGOs and the UN!
I really like going to the movies, though, so I'm glad no one mentioned I could be ending world hunger instead.
am losing steam. bedroom half clean such a mess. MUST get more energy!