I'm a Mighty Leaf girl all the way. It's all the House of Reason's fault.
I also love David's Tea with wild abandon, but that's because they have crazy flavor combos with chocolate, pepper, strawberry, and mint. Or pumpkin spice chai. [link]
Simpson and Vail ( [link] ) also get my business, because they have violet tea, which is one of my HG teas. I mix it with the Mighty Leaf chocolate truffle tea.
Re-working E's chore chart today. He is doing the minimum chores to get privileges and he can do that in 30 minutes. Then I spend 4-5 hours doing house cleaning, laundry and de-cluttering - rarely including my own room. That shit has got to change, but it has served it's purpose in getting chores as a concept as an accepted baseline.
No, I get it. I just wondered if Streetview was supposed to be rendered in a recognizable way.
If you wait, it does get rendered as recognizable, just colored in green and orange.
If you wait, it does get rendered as recognizable, just colored in green and orange.
Like this: [link] or better than that? That's what I get when I wait.
Nope, that's what I mean.
I'm brunch-drunk and trying to avoid a fight on facebook today. But you all don't think world hunger could be ended if we just spent a billion dollars on it once? Thank you.
We had the world's most family-insanity clusterfucky attempt to go out to lunch today. If my brother's future fiancee, who seems very nice (met her for the first time) stays with him after today, she's a brave woman.
It is definitely time to go home. On the plus side, we saw the USS Constitution!
isn't that the true test of whether someone can handle being married? brunch plans with family!
Is that what it always looks like to you, Steph? That looks like an old school video driver incompatibility issue, but obviously the rest of the graphics on your screen is being rendered just fine.
Which means: huh? I have never seen that before. Here's mine, of about that same shot. Anything else giving you problems like that? What OS are you running?
Man, I got some tea bookmarking to do. I am in love with the tea machine, did I mention? I swear I have a dull resentment of filling up my mug with hot water at the work hot/cold kitchen dispenser, and then getting sidetracked while it brews.
However, that's all happening in my Abed & Troy In The Morning mug, so it's not all bad. In fact, it's pretty good.
bon, why are we avoiding a fight? What's the collateral damage you need to concern? Can you just tell her to pull the billion dollars out of her ass, and it might just relax her some?
It's not, like, your MIL, or something? Or a *boy*, because I just realised I'd assumed chick.
I do wish Teavana were cheaper and their sales people less consistently awful was completely impervious to the upsell. I've cut the off of their "Our system says that if you like this..." by telling them I'm just there for the jasmine green tea, but then they end up selling me a metric tonne of it.
Which, admittedly, I power through.
Which reminds me, there's a Lupicia in that same mall. That would help with my inability to find any of the "notes" in teas that their writeups rhapsodise about. I should check on that one day when I don't feel like my brain is dying and leaving my body alive to pretend.
Anyone shop at Lupicia? Recommendations? Not strong on the black tea, because of insomnia problems. The Oolong chai is as strong as I'm drinking right now, but only first thing in the morning. When that runs out, maybe I'll experiment with a fancy Earl Grey, or something. I remember a ... Lady (?) Grey tea I had once that used straight up orange instead of bergamot, but avoided the bitterness I sometimes associate with Constant Comment tisane.
Lots of good stuff to bookmark. Thanks, guys!
BTW, the tea that Beau likes is Gyokuro and he said he notices a distinct difference between the tea when we get it online vs the store. He says it is fresher at the Teavana store versus when it comes in the foil bags through the mail.
Seeing as how I'm not going in the fucking store anymore, I think that's an interesting comment. But I'm not going to experience this difference myself.