Yay, team pale skin and dark hair. No, wait...what's the thing that's not "yay"?
Hey, it's the best combo for laser hair removal!! Especially on the legs--it took several sessions, but now my lower legs are smooth and awesome! Plus, y'know, helpful because I'm lazy.
I grow a (short) beard strictly for vanity, to give the illusion of a stronger jawline. But any shaving or trimming below the neck is done strictly for comfort, with appearance not factoring in.
Are there good electric shavers for leg shaving? Any recommendations? Part of the reason I hate shaving my legs is that I ALWAYS nick myself.
A couple of years of waxing my legs seems to have slowed down hair production there, although it hasn't stopped. I think some of the follicles are just having a good sulk.
meara, once I have disposable income, I am likely to investigate that.
Scrappy, I have a Panasonic epilator that has a "cut the hairs' head as well as the "yank the hairs" one that works well enough for me. It has more than paid for itself in razor blade savings by this point.
I am not hirstute, but I shave my legs when I can feel the wind waving through my leg hairs, and because I prefer the feeling of putting lotion on hairless legs more. It's my preference, and my choice.
I shave my pits 3x a year, when the 4 pit hairs I grow get over 3 inches long and they start to look like tentacles and that freaks me out. My preference. My choice.
I wear a bra when I go out of the house because I have big tits and big nipples and the boobs sag without a bra and the nips go BING! right up in people's faces when it's cold, and they bounce when I walk and it's not very comfortable.
I wear heels when I want to, because the heels I have are pretty, and as a teacher and social work professional, I never had to wear heels at work. And I kick 'em off whenever they get too uncomfortable; I have ended up dancing barefoot or carrying flip-flops to many a wedding. But mostly I wear my wedges or flip-flops. I have never felt vulnerable in heels, because I have no compunctions about kicking them off in any venue, and they make awesome weapons!
I wear makeup often because I love it! Like I love earrings and tats and necklaces and rings and purple and green and cobalt blue on me! It's fun! But I go out sans makeup if I don't feel like wearing it.
I wear deodorant because I have a sensitive nose and I think my B.O., fresh or stale, is gross. Not all natural smells are appealing. Poop is natural and too stinky. I DON'T douche or worry about vaginal odors (unless they are telling me about a health issue) because (1) douching is unhealthy and (2) I DON'T find my clean pussy odor to be offensive to my nose; for some reason, it smells like fresh-baked bread to me, and I think that's awesome!
I stay home with a child during the summers while I work and while my husband works and it makes me a pragmatist, not any other kind of -ist.
I AM a feminist; I have never not termed myself that, since I discovered what it meant as a girl. Of course I have examined and contemplated what my choices mean in context to historical misongyny and patriarchal culture and societal expectations.
I don't think MY way is the right way (except possibly deordorant, and I realize I am a super-sniffin' mutant). If a woman shaves or doesn't, wears make-up or heels or doesn't, stays home or works, it doesn't matter to me. I assume it's that individual's preference to do so, and it's none of my business.
The only thing, really, that pings me as a feminist and as, yanno, a thinking adult person, is when someone tells me what I should feel, think or do, or tells me that I don't really understand why I am making a choice to wear heels, makeup a bra, etc., and that I'm BEIN' A FEMINIST WRONG. (Which, for the record, I do NOT feel anyone on this board is doing.)
Anyone who thinks this about me sure as hell doesn't know me well (or at all) and can kiss my purposefully, choice-driven, nicely exfoliated ass as my gloss-covered lips smile sweetly and my well-educated brain directs my tongue into making it exquisitely, painfully clear that the most female and powerful part of my body is my spicy, spicy brain.
From Sullivan's blog: Is Christianism Breeding Atheists? Ctd
I wonder if the second letter writer went to JZ's church....
No, that was it. There must be someone I can sue for emotional distress.
In gender and hair news, my grandmother told me she would make my grandfather shave his armpits, because she thought the hair was gross. Good times.
I haven't shaved my legs in decades, and I'm blessed with pale leg hair. I do resent those damned hairs that started showing up on my chin when I hit 45. And that one strange thick one that grows straight out from my left eyebrow.
Okay, this whole conversation is making me want to go back to my hairy, stinky, adamantly hippie days.
However, I'm making an attempt at pear butter today, so I figure that's enough homesteading for one day. I also have the bedlinens out on the line.