I am not hirstute, but I shave my legs when I can feel the wind waving through my leg hairs, and because I prefer the feeling of putting lotion on hairless legs more. It's my preference, and my choice.
I shave my pits 3x a year, when the 4 pit hairs I grow get over 3 inches long and they start to look like tentacles and that freaks me out. My preference. My choice.
I wear a bra when I go out of the house because I have big tits and big nipples and the boobs sag without a bra and the nips go BING! right up in people's faces when it's cold, and they bounce when I walk and it's not very comfortable.
I wear heels when I want to, because the heels I have are pretty, and as a teacher and social work professional, I never had to wear heels at work. And I kick 'em off whenever they get too uncomfortable; I have ended up dancing barefoot or carrying flip-flops to many a wedding. But mostly I wear my wedges or flip-flops. I have never felt vulnerable in heels, because I have no compunctions about kicking them off in any venue, and they make awesome weapons!
I wear makeup often because I love it! Like I love earrings and tats and necklaces and rings and purple and green and cobalt blue on me! It's fun! But I go out sans makeup if I don't feel like wearing it.
I wear deodorant because I have a sensitive nose and I think my B.O., fresh or stale, is gross. Not all natural smells are appealing. Poop is natural and too stinky. I DON'T douche or worry about vaginal odors (unless they are telling me about a health issue) because (1) douching is unhealthy and (2) I DON'T find my clean pussy odor to be offensive to my nose; for some reason, it smells like fresh-baked bread to me, and I think that's awesome!
I stay home with a child during the summers while I work and while my husband works and it makes me a pragmatist, not any other kind of -ist.
I AM a feminist; I have never not termed myself that, since I discovered what it meant as a girl. Of course I have examined and contemplated what my choices mean in context to historical misongyny and patriarchal culture and societal expectations.
I don't think MY way is the right way (except possibly deordorant, and I realize I am a super-sniffin' mutant). If a woman shaves or doesn't, wears make-up or heels or doesn't, stays home or works, it doesn't matter to me. I assume it's that individual's preference to do so, and it's none of my business.
The only thing, really, that pings me as a feminist and as, yanno, a thinking adult person, is when someone tells me what I should feel, think or do, or tells me that I don't really understand why I am making a choice to wear heels, makeup a bra, etc., and that I'm BEIN' A FEMINIST WRONG. (Which, for the record, I do NOT feel anyone on this board is doing.)
Anyone who thinks this about me sure as hell doesn't know me well (or at all) and can kiss my purposefully, choice-driven, nicely exfoliated ass as my gloss-covered lips smile sweetly and my well-educated brain directs my tongue into making it exquisitely, painfully clear that the most female and powerful part of my body is my spicy, spicy brain.