I keep meaning to put up a version with NO ADDRESS*
You're not on monster.com or hotjobs or any of those sites? I ended up having my resume all over the web (sans address, naturally) by the time I was done with my search. I thought it was normal.
At the very least, Linked In functions as a good interim substitute.
The info on Monser.com is waaay out of date, and I hadn't put the NEW new version of the resume up on LinkdIn. Crap, I should do that today, shouldn't I?
oh crap, I bet my address is on everything that is up.
the admin that sits about 20' from me has a radio on all day, and she mumble sings along with it when she is at the desk. it's starting to get on my nerves.
I listen to podcasts and sometimes I listen to radio: but I can only do it online because regular radio reception in my office is pretty much non-existent.
Sigh, I think that's rude in an open plan space, msbelle. It's why I don't listen to the radio at work. That, and the guy who does the morning show on CBC 1 is a ginormous douchebag.
I was sure *someone* said they had a teamaker. And I figured, statistically, it was likely to be you.
You know what? That was a good bet, and since it didn't pay off, you should buy a lottery ticket.
Yeah, most of the time I am alone in here. And I try to keep it down.
since it didn't pay off, you should buy a lottery ticket.
what my fake math indicates.
Sox bought a special kettle that heats to the ideal tea temps but I don't know if that's what you're remembering, ita !
If today is any indication of what summer is going to be like I need to get some kind of air conditioning. Weather.com is claiming its 68F out there but NO WAY. And tomorrow the high is supposed to be 80.
One reason I moved up north is to get away from heat damnit!