People, never attempt to text my phone. Just....don't. I will not get your text in a timely manner because either:
a) I have turned off the ringer and barely think to check it when it is in front of my face which is approximately 15 seconds a day when I am grabbing or hanging up my keys
b) I have left the ringer on, but keep wondering what that random beep is and then forget about it
or all the more likely:
c) it has been freed from its mooring (the charger) by some furry 4 footed creatures, abused enough that the ringer was off (which I KNOW was on because I'd turned it on Saturday night after using it to retrieve a phone #,) batted under the couch sometime in the wee smalls monday morning and I didn't notice its absence from the usual spot because I was cleaning up all the books that were also knocked over and it wasn't right there in front of my face.
I don't know anyone who has met me who knows how much I do NOT use my cell. It's a running joke/irritation about me.
Signed, yeah I really DIDN'T know you were in the hospital having your kid and the cats needed feeding. SORRY!
At least another friend went over to do some tidying up for them yesterday.
you also might want to have a link to it (like a link - easy for you to remember) so that if you run out of hard copies, you can refer them to a weblink.
Oh man, I don't have my resume online anywhere. I keep meaning to put up a version with NO ADDRESS* on it , but haven't gotten around to it. And today is all about interview prep and reading the company's documentation.
(*Because while my GCS fans are, for the most part, lovely, I also don't want swarms of babygoths turning up on my doorstep just to say hi.)
More weather weirdness
We're in the record-breaking sixth consecutive day above 80 in March and set a pollen-count record a third higher than the previous one.
do people listen to radio at work?
msbelle- I listen to talk radio (NPR, This American Life), talking podcasts, and sometimes netflix. But my building is weird, and no one shares and office. I find the talking helps me concentrate.
no stress. just get dropbox or cloudapp and put it there. or
no need for a fancy website, just a link to your word or pdf document.
I do when there's no one on my side of the office that it can disturb.
I keep meaning to put up a version with NO ADDRESS*
You're not on or hotjobs or any of those sites? I ended up having my resume all over the web (sans address, naturally) by the time I was done with my search. I thought it was normal.
At the very least, Linked In functions as a good interim substitute.
The info on is waaay out of date, and I hadn't put the NEW new version of the resume up on LinkdIn. Crap, I should do that today, shouldn't I?