About how many people does this have to get through to reach its various endpoints? How many of those people are too late to stop it and turn it around? I mean, is anyone too small to be listened to?
(Ignoring the fact that it's really hard to read anyway--I think it's just plain crappily designed)
I am OFFENDED by that sign.
I mean, seriously offended. Jesus Christ, hire me.
Apparently it also made it to their online media centre. It was
at me. There are people who are pretty much caused pain by that, and none of them are in the production chain? Seriously?
Who runs the place?
t insert Denton jab here
About how many people does this have to get through to reach its various endpoints?
My experience is that it often goes writer-ad manager-designer-ad manager-production. It should go back to the writer, who is generally the only one who can spell, but it often doesn't.
There is a large Jillifont over my head. This will be the second one I have killed in two weeks.
Imma go get the hairspray now, mmmk? Or else throw one of the cats on the ceiling...
My experience is that it often goes writer-ad manager-designer-ad manager-production
I'm talking literally, though. It got printed, it got packed, it got hung. With a mistake like that, no one in the chain should have been too small to listen to.
Now, they might have had their own reasons to not say anything, but it went out to various places. It was published on the web, hung in at least one place in meatspace. That's a lot of hands and eyes.
And it's not like it was a complex, rarely used word.
I am more upset about that ad than the rather large, uh, brown-Jillifont-with-hermit-like-tendencies I just murderated.
I think I've found my handyman-husband. Who has a grill on his van made from gear wheels, Top Gear bumper stickers, might be a little punkish, yet listens to NPR while he works. And FIXED MY CEILING & PORCH for under $300. Woohoo! I've recc'd him to a neighbor who needs ceiling work. My hole was $50. Damn.