anyone here on ATT travel to Canada?
Yes - turn off push EVERYTHING and use wifi.
The Canada roaming voice add-on is not too expensive, and very worth it.
Last summer after I saw my bill (over $100 in texting charges in 2 weeks), I called AT&T and they were able to retroactively add something that brought the total down to something like $12.99. When I went later to look for it on their website, I couldn't find it, so I would actually recommend talking to a human who works there and getting set up with the appropriate roaming package.
I don't text much at all, so I think my plan will cover it.
I also don't use the phone much, so I can probably skype from the hotel, or talk sporadically using actual airwaves.
the data is the bitca,
$10 sale at threadless again. 48 hours only.
I saw some Fanci-full the other day and had a total deja vu moment. Where was I? Oh it was an old costume/theatrical make up place. You know, the kind of place that carried Ben Nye make up and lots of wigs?
Awww! Those sorts of stores are fun.
wind is howling. sever storm alert through tonight and it isn't raining yet. They are warning for strong winds and flash flooding. Hey Central States people, stay safe.
I just got an email from a vendor developer that was about 6 paragraphs of fluff dressing up "No, that's not what we're coding, you're wrong."
At least, I think that's what he said. There's a lot of fluff.
Thing is? HE'S WRONG. Like, totes. Like, I want to rain down vengeance and brimstone on his head wrong. But I'm not allowed.
This chafes.
Shouldn't the vendor be the one who has to be careful what he says? If the relationship is not one of pure blunt honesty?
Oh and insent (thought not stuff that requires a reply to me - you may have already seen it.)
I think the heel on my shoe is broken, it feels like it is angling out from my heel. not good.
OTOH - shoe shopping!