Consuela, your trip sounds so awesome, aside from the sick. Can't wait to see pictures.
Also, the death star pinata required glitter.
This sentence makes me happy on a lot of levels.
Anyone know a good mobile app to check flights on? I'm picking a friend up at the airport, but I have to leave here only twenty minutes after her flight leaves, so I wanted to be able to check it while I'm there waiting in the cell phone lot.
Contractor had a last minute reschedule of a job and so I just had to go let him in, whee! So happy to be getting this work done.
Cats may be traumatized, though he listens to NPR as he works, so maybe the familiar will soothe them. OTOH, circular saw. Maybe not.
I have a new (well, new to me) car. We bought it on St. Patty's day to replace my 18-year old Honda Civic. I now have A/C and cruise control for my commute and it's far, far quieter. It's painful writing a check that big though.
Sigh...another year, another tax refund in exactly the same amount as H&R charges to process it. C'est la vie.
A 2007 Ford Focus ZX4 SES
Sigh...another year, another tax refund in exactly the same amount as H&R charges to process it.
...what? Either H&R charges way too much, or they didn't get you enough money back.
To e-file online costs $65 for state and federal. The difference between what the feds owe me and what I owe NYS is $62. (Intellectually, I know it's financially better to break even than to get a huge refund, but psychologically, that's 2 hours of my time last night spent on a net loss of $3. Boo!)
I'm pretty sure you can buy TurboTax for less than $65, Jessica. You have kids, FGS. Even if you only got $40 back, that's, like, a week of lunches. Or something. That's just discouraging.
I don't think TurboTax is less than $65 for both Federal and State. It was $50 for me without state (I had to go with Premier since my taxes were complicated this year).