Okay. Meep!
The band is high strung, so I have to get all the panicky out of my system now so I can be preternaturally calm when they arrive tomorrow. Part of it is that I can't set the venue until late tonight because it's in use. So I have all the "can't do nothin" energy rolling right now. I sold tickets! I printed signs! I reworked the lighting! I coordinated volunteers! I hauled gear! NOW WHAT?
Right. Make lists. Load. Gaffers tape.
What a mess, Jesse.
A friend's band has a 9:30 show tonight. I'm tired. I'm old. I'll get together the energy by then, but right now, I don't wanna.
Make lists. Load. Gaffers tape.
Pain killers.
Ha ha ha. Now the guy who was going to show me apartments tomorrow just called to cancel because of a family emergency. I need to just settle on moving for Jan 1, and stop looking for a while.
At least it is time for me to go get a drink now....
Rescue kitten was taken to the vet for shots and defleaing and to make a spaying appt since I was an idiot and didn't think to keep her from eating today.
My mother calls her Pumpkin. I'm refusing to call her anything.
The other cats met her. MK didn't notice (she hissed at him.) Devi got a mildly confused look on her face and went back to eating (wtf?!!) But Loki, oh poor Loki. He's fucking
of all 7 lbs of her. Ignoring him. He's now afraid to go into the basement. Such a fruitbat.
So is there gluten in soy sauce? I want to make a mess of bulgogi for my sister's birthday on Sunday, but one of the guests has celiac.
ION, I finally took the leap for a regular house-cleaning service. It was kind of embarrassing having the woman wander through my house and note all the dust and dog hair. Still, clean house! Yay!
It was kind of embarrassing having the woman wander through my house and note all the dust and dog hair.
a) That's her job b) Unless I'm very mistaken, she's seen *so* much worse.
This is what I keep telling myself in order to gradually talk myself into getting a cleaner. Jesus. It better be true.
Okay! Home!
But I forgot to tell my manager I have a doctor's appointment Monday morning. Christ. Flake.
Most soy sauce is made with a combination of wheat and soy, but you can get gluten-free if you look for it. I think most health stores carry it these days. (Tamari is wheat-free, right?)
Most soy sauce is made with a combination of wheat and soy, but you can get gluten-free if you look for it. I think most health stores carry it these days. (Tamari is wheat-free, right?)
Usually. Just about any health food store or higher-end supermarket will have a few soy sauces labeled gluten-free.
a) That's her job b) Unless I'm very mistaken, she's seen *so* much worse.
Both points are true. And yet! Well, she'll be coming next Saturday for the introductory deep cleaning: 3 people for 3 hours, ouch.
So is there gluten in soy sauce? I want to make a mess of bulgogi for my sister's birthday on Sunday, but one of the guests has celiac.
Yeah these days they label most of it but tamari is gluten free