t sarcasm
I've struck out at yet ANOTHER specialty bra shop! My boobs, they defeat the tireless efforts of ALL the bra ladies. Ones that came the closest would show up above 90% of my tops, and they weren't All That, not better than my current ill-fitting ones. 30ish bras. Swear to god.
At least I'm not on the verge of tears this time. Helps going in knowing you're going to be defeated.
Do you have an Intimacy near you? Have you tried them? They've had the widest selection of bras of any specialty place I've ever tried, and they have my strange shape covered.
This is 2 specialty stores (russian bra ladies even gave up) and Nordstroms. Well, and just about everywhere else you can get bras. There's a Bare Necessities up in Lutherville that I may try tomorrow. Though I may have tried them before, not sure, it was some time (and a different shape) ago.
It's become critical because I've figured out my shoulder/upper arm pain is due to my regular bras, and my laundry day ones are just not supportive enough.
yoiks, sara,that sounds like no good. I like my current bras a lot, but it's fucking with my brain about my body.
On the Evernote front,
I'm using it sort of as a dropbox/cloud share of my work files, which is good because it's freeing my hard drive.
I'll also use it with my students for an online portfolio.
sarameg that's frustrating!
I have weird fit issues - if someone does a standard measure then I get a 42D. Which isn't right, the cup is way too big. Finally a Lane Bryant sales associate measured from the base of my breast to my nipple and did a different math and came up with C. Which none of the C cup bras didn't fit right so I finally found one in a B that fits. And finding size 42B is really hard to find in shops.
I'll also use it with my students for an online portfolio
How is that going to work? Will you give them URLs? Read-only access?
That thing has been my external storage/saviour for months now. I take meeting notes on it on my tablet, instead of writing (note less clutter on my desk), and it's instantly available on my laptops and phone. I tracked all my car accident/insurance details/title issues on it, and always had info to hand whenever anyone called, including copies of everything I'd mailed or faxed or emailed to anyone. All my serial number information for my home equipment is in it, as well as manuals. My sister and I are sharing a notebook to collaborate on a T-shirt design for one of our cousins. My medications are in there, and the last time I filled all my prescriptions. The names of all the doctors and nurses I see on every ER visit, and whether or not I get all my meds. Just...everything I know I'm gonna forget, I take a picture of or drag a PDF in, or clip a web page, or whatever.
The fitter at nordstroms who was awesome for me only measured the band. She didn't bother to measure for a cup. Just guessed, immediately correct the first time. It was eerie.
I am super lucky with my totally average bra size, I realize.
Intimacy doesn't measure. They eyeball. They're pretty damned good. At everything except not bringing me the really expensive ones.