I'll also use it with my students for an online portfolio
How is that going to work? Will you give them URLs? Read-only access?
That thing has been my external storage/saviour for months now. I take meeting notes on it on my tablet, instead of writing (note less clutter on my desk), and it's instantly available on my laptops and phone. I tracked all my car accident/insurance details/title issues on it, and always had info to hand whenever anyone called, including copies of everything I'd mailed or faxed or emailed to anyone. All my serial number information for my home equipment is in it, as well as manuals. My sister and I are sharing a notebook to collaborate on a T-shirt design for one of our cousins. My medications are in there, and the last time I filled all my prescriptions. The names of all the doctors and nurses I see on every ER visit, and whether or not I get all my meds. Just...everything I know I'm gonna forget, I take a picture of or drag a PDF in, or clip a web page, or whatever.
The fitter at nordstroms who was awesome for me only measured the band. She didn't bother to measure for a cup. Just guessed, immediately correct the first time. It was eerie.
I am super lucky with my totally average bra size, I realize.
Intimacy doesn't measure. They eyeball. They're pretty damned good. At everything except not bringing me the really expensive ones.
ooooh! Prescriptions! That's a great idea.
I'm going to ask all of my students to get a free account and then store/save work on turn in. No editing from me or anyone else, but just sharing a notebook.
I also got a free evernote shirt at the conference I went ot this weekend. It is coolness.
I was prepared to be meh on it because the Franklin Covey folks LOVE it and I am not their tribe. But I'm glad that I just off loaded a whole bunch of stuff I desperately need to access all over on it.
And maybe I'll do photos next because keeping them just on flickr makes me nervous.
Intimacy doesn't measure. They eyeball. They're pretty damned good. At everything except not bringing me the really expensive ones.
Not even the band?
Nordstrom's woman also stood in the dressing room with me and put the bra on me as if I were incapable (perhaps I am! I no longer have quad boob though!)
y'all are reminding me that I need to order my favorite bras online because none of the stores here that have them have my size.
went out for Greek food.
Yeah, this place eyeballed. Was right, the bras were just wrong cuts.
Bra shopping, shudder. By the standard measure, I should be a 44G, which is too big in reality. I'm left guessing at my own bra size. 42DD usually fits, except when it doesn't. I'm just gonna wear sports bras forever. Unless I can get back down to what I think of as my "normal" size, when I could buy 36B bras and be reasonably sure they'd fit.
I'm a 38B, which can be hard to find in the store. And some days I think I'm closer to a C. I've never found a demi bra I was comfortable in -- they all seem like I'm about to spill over, which I don't like.
S. grabbed a 38B Wacoal from Nordstrom's Rack one day, and it fits PERFECTLY. Totally not an everyday bra (which is probably what you get when the guy is shopping for it) but I do know I want to try more Wacoals.