Hil, sorry, but you mean the second and third.
The third will probably be tomorrow. I read fast, but I'm not sure I read quite fast enough to get through both books in one day. (I bought them both yesterday, though. I've been warned by, well, everybody.)
The former NSA official held his thumb and forefinger close together: “We are that far from a turnkey totalitarian state.”
Yeah, very interesting. As long as no one abuses that power, we'll be fine. Which means we're probably doomed.
The last few years Gary and I have gone downtown to a dive-ish bar(Madam's Organ, for those who know DC) to watch a friend play. This year the bar didn't get things together in time, so no gig for our friend.
For St. Pat day, a woman I know wears a leprechaun hat with a felt 4-leaf clover and the inscription, "no self-respecting Irish person would wear this hat." My leprechaun hat inscription says "I'm not Irish, but once a year I perpetuate a stereotype. "
I do have a distant cousin for whom St. Patrick's is her favorite holiday -- that's when she sends out holiday cards, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't drink at all, and I'm not sure she has any Irish ancestry, so it just makes me laugh. I think it's charming.
I bought a bunch of stuff at TJ's and learned that the gift card was only $10, which is still better than a kick in the head, but I'm glad I didn't make a special trip.
Ireland's only 15th in alcohol consumption per capita.
Number one? Smonster's old haunt, Moldova! They're the drinkiest.
Though I think Estonia might be more hammered since they consume most of their alcohol/per liter as spirits instead of beer.
That list is very interesting.
Horse playing with a ball - I hope you can see this (it's on facebook).
I did not realize it was St. Patrick's day until the tennis commentators mentioned it.
Clearly, I am watching tennis. I got home last night at 11. Slept until 8, which was not really long enough, but there might be a nap in my future. Right now, I'm doing a load of laundry and that's enough activity for me.
I am all twitchy today in a ticipation of the storm. I did most of the haftas yesterday so today I am waffling over the shoulds. Like laundry. It's so windy though, I dunno if my clothes would fly off the line. Guess I'd better try.
Then sort the recycling, which should probably happen inside the house. Easier to clean up a messy floor than retrieve even more recyclables strewn around the nighborhood. Not very eco there, are we, missy?
Okay, that's a game plan. And if I succeed I'll head into town with the recycling, and stop by the kitchen lady's store to buy eggs and look at her knives.
Ha, leaving that typo in. That's just how twitchy I am.