I am all twitchy today in a ticipation of the storm. I did most of the haftas yesterday so today I am waffling over the shoulds. Like laundry. It's so windy though, I dunno if my clothes would fly off the line. Guess I'd better try.
Then sort the recycling, which should probably happen inside the house. Easier to clean up a messy floor than retrieve even more recyclables strewn around the nighborhood. Not very eco there, are we, missy?
Okay, that's a game plan. And if I succeed I'll head into town with the recycling, and stop by the kitchen lady's store to buy eggs and look at her knives.
Ha, leaving that typo in. That's just how twitchy I am.
Number one? Smonster's old haunt, Moldova! They're the drinkiest.
Color me so not surprised.
Though I think Estonia might be more hammered since they consumer most of their alcohol/per liter as spirits instead of beer.
But check out Moldova's wine consumption - have I ever mentioned that they drink wine as a shot from a double shot glass, and that sipping wine is eyed with suspicion and amusement there? And a lot of it is homemade, so it's as strong as Badya Vasile wants to make it. And everyone drinks when one person toasts, and they toast constantly, and "one more for the road" is actually a thing there. Oh, Moldova.
What on earth is the "other" they drink so much of in Uganda?
At first I was confused about the wine, because boxes of wine are 5 litres. But I think they are talking about the actual litres of alcohol content.
should I drive 35 miles to get an iPod touch 8GB for $100?
I am sitting in the hairdresser's with goop on my hair, following a nice breakfast with Suzi
I think that might be it for me for the weekend apart from naps. No st Patrick's day stuff for me
It's going to be raining hard here for the next four days, according to the ever-accurate Weather.com. Maybe I should lay in supplies. I hate to go out in the rain. Maybe I should bring my umbrella in from the car.
There are even people getting drunk for St. Paddy's in Granada. Crazy.
Wow, that's a hard-core dedication to excuses for binge drinking.
March 17th is my sister's ex-husband's birthday, and he used to combine celebrations. She haaatesss him, precious, so now we mostly ignore the day.
I just spent an hour pulling weeds in the front yard. Apparently we were raising a bumper crop of wild onion (which smell SO BAD when you pull them). But it was looking really bad. I hate to be That House on the street. So they needed to be pulled.
I don't even know why I went to the gym.
Unrelatedly, our Rollergirl neighbor is being moved out of the apartment next door by her teammates. And her husband's car has been absent for most of the week. We have no idea what transpired, but...at least she's got good friends, I guess? Yikes.
Okay, I am weed-itchy and need a shower. (Of course, the bathroom needs cleaned in the worst way -- seriously, why DID I go to the gym when everything needs cleaned? -- but I think I need to shower first and then clean the bathroom. I am too itchy to wait.)
should I drive 35 miles to get an iPod touch 8GB for $100?
If I really wanted an iPod Touch 8GB, I would. If I was only doing it because it was a good deal, I wouldn't.
I just spent an hour pulling weeds in the front yard. Apparently we were raising a bumper crop of wild onion
The only things I can be sure my garden will grow are wild onions and wild mint. And morning glory.