I had an impostor dream last night, and even though I didn't fall asleep until way late, I decided to get up, because if I finished the dream and got found out--death. I can't remember who would die, though. Would they kill me, because I was an impostor? Or would I have to kill someone to protect my secret?
That's really the sort of thing that makes a difference.
Well, also sleep makes a difference. But I don't know if I missed out on that window. Likely.
ita, is it Wilshire that is being shut down (or Santa Monica?) I am on the westside today. But if you needed me to drive one of your ways, I could do it pretty early. Then we can take the freeway for free.
Timelies all!
Another lazy Saturday morning here.
Claude Shannon didn't ring a bell, but I must have encountered him while reading about information theory.
It's Santa Monica, Kat. But it won't be until sometime unpredictable tomorrow morning, so I wouldn't ask. Thanks for offering, though.
Have you ever been so upset (and this applies more to people in uncomfortable but easy-to-remove shoes) that you're stepped out of your shoes to run away and
left them behind?
I can't imagine being that verklempt. Either I can't get out of the shoes (because I tend to lace into my heels), or I'm taking them with...
Completely unrelatedly, I'm enjoying House of Lies. Don Cheadle is *despicable*. Such a prick. And shorter than I was expecting.
The former NSA official held his thumb and forefinger close together: “We are that far from a turnkey totalitarian state.”
Interesting, but very long.
Have you ever been so upset (and this applies more to people in uncomfortable but easy-to-remove shoes) that you're stepped out of your shoes to run away and left them behind?
Like, running for your life? Or just upset? I can see leaving the heels behind in the former case.
All my food is in the trash, the dishwasher is running, and I washed the bathroom floor. Now I need to shower and get out of the house.
Def if running for life-- if I were in heels I might even deliberately take them off!
Speaking of running, wtf am I doing up so early? I'm walking a st patricks day 5k. After getting home from the east coast after midnight last night.
I've seen people run out of their shoe before. In both cases, they were really high.