Have you ever been so upset (and this applies more to people in uncomfortable but easy-to-remove shoes) that you're stepped out of your shoes to run away and left them behind?
Like, running for your life? Or just upset? I can see leaving the heels behind in the former case.
All my food is in the trash, the dishwasher is running, and I washed the bathroom floor. Now I need to shower and get out of the house.
Def if running for life-- if I were in heels I might even deliberately take them off!
Speaking of running, wtf am I doing up so early? I'm walking a st patricks day 5k. After getting home from the east coast after midnight last night.
I've seen people run out of their shoe before. In both cases, they were really high.
It is so fucking nice outside! I didn't really need my coat to go to market this morning. I totally don't want to stay in and clean. But it needs done, and tomorrow will be just as nice. I may forego the second coat of indseed oil on the deckset and put it out. Jasmine plant is going out today!
One of the girls on Sara's soccer team ran out of one of her sneakers about four times during the last game. At halftime, someone tied it tighter for her.
It is so fucking nice outside!
It's gorgeous out today. I want to go out and lie in the sun.
Our lawn actually needs mowing today. It's only March 17! WHAT IS THIS FRESH HELL?
It's raining like mad here. Big "winter" storm. Not supposed to stop until sometime Monday. I don't mind--we really need it, and rain has become a lovely novelty after almost seven years in SoCal.
Yeah, everything is in bloom here -- cherry trees, daffodils, dogwoods.
Have you ever been so upset (and this applies more to people in uncomfortable but easy-to-remove shoes) that you're stepped out of your shoes to run away and left them behind? I can't imagine being that verklempt. Either I can't get out of the shoes (because I tend to lace into my heels), or I'm taking them with...
Yes, actually. In 1999, I worked at a DV shelter in a ROUGH hood. I was wearing cute (for 1999) platform clogs at work when I heard a ruckus, and I stopped dead in the middle of a converstation with a client and sprinted like a mad bitch to break up a fight. Kicked off my shoes and BOOKED.
This morning: weeded, mulched, planted, watered, got stung. Daffodils about to bloom. It's totally spring here.
Have you ever been so upset (and this applies more to people in uncomfortable but easy-to-remove shoes) that you're stepped out of your shoes to run away and left them behind? I can't imagine being that verklempt.
You must have watched Fairly Legal last night. I thought the same thing. I've been upset enough to leave in haste, but never to leave my shoes behind. I'd kick off my heels if I meant to run, but I wouldn't ditch them unless I were running for my life. Those were expensive shoes, too. But I'm sure her ex will return them. By post, if he's smart.