hats? tons of you crazy people think you look silly/bad in hats and YOU DO NOT!
Depends on the hat. I like hats, myself.
Hunger Games
I've considered reading them, but I can't handle things that make me cry. I want my entertainment to make me happy, damn it.
Thanks, Scrappy. He can get into the lean-to on the back of my house, which has a cement floor that stays cool. I appreciate the suggestions on treats and stuff - I'll leave one of his favorite toys out with him, and a monster ball with treats in it. The yard has a fence all the way around, and he's neither a digger nor a jumper.
Yeah, that sounds like the best plan.
Are the Hunger Games books available in mass-market paperbacks?
I don't think any but the first are even out in trade paperback. Annoying. (And why I haven't read the second two.)
There's a paperback boxed set - I can't remember if it's trade or mass-market sized, though.
Good times discovering the schedules being wrong is NOT AT ALL MY FAULT!
Let me guess... you're getting blamed anyway?
There's a paperback boxed set - I can't remember if it's trade or mass-market sized, though.
Whoa, really? I didn't think the other two were out in paperback yet. The only boxed set I can find is hardback.
I don't know if you are a slow reader for YA fiction, but this is YA. That's most of the reason why I could read the trilogy in 3 days. If this were adult fiction, it would have taken me longer.
le nubian, I have a spare bedroom in a quiet neighborhood! You could hide here. No one will ever find you.
So, I know you have good intentions, but seeing that in black and white and the "no one will ever find you..." part. Well, that made me laugh.
Zenkitty wants to make earrings from my teef!
I have a feeling they'll all be available in paperback by the 23rd.
I used to be a fast reader. Now I'm old and tired and fall asleep after about 15 pages, so even though I can read pretty fast, it takes me forever to finish a book.
Right there with you Jessica. I made it to page 36 of my current book before losing consciousness Tuesday night, and am now on 41.
Hm. I could have sworn DH read them in paperback last summer. Maybe they were press copies.
So my boss is out of town. Today a new iPad was delivered here for my boss's wife. So I'm thinking, if I take it home with me, how would anyone know it was actually delivered?
I mean, besides the fact I signed for it.
(Perhaps this plan requires rethinking.)
Drink water, Kate! I remember that being well hydrated helped a lot with the B-H.
Thanks, Burrell! I generally do drink a lot of water, so maybe that's one reason why I haven't had many B-H contractions yet. (Or possibly at all -- like Plei, I haven't been able to figure out for sure if what I'm experiencing at any given moment is B-H or just general discomfort.)
Allyson, I'm a slow reader these days too, and while it frustrates me because I used to read faster and I miss being able to get through as many books as I used to, I think I probably do retain more now that I go more slowly. Anyway, there's certainly no shame in being a slow reader!