I need a haircut soon.
I am exhausted this morning. Combine the difficulty of adjusting to DST and tech week? Horrible. Tech rehearsal last night went fairly well, just long. I had thought about taking today off and now I wish I had. I do have tomorrow off, but I need to get up and go to the dentist in the morning. Graceful person that I am, I hit myself in the face with my own car door and chipped a tooth on Sunday night. It's a small chip and doesn't hurt. It's just annoying.
And, I got an email this morning from the high school broadcasting teacher. I think he blamed me for enrollment numbers going down for the intro to broadcasting class. At the high school. Where I don't teach. I know precisely why the numbers went down. My video production class got cut from the curriculum, so kids didn't get a chance to do it here. Feeder program cut? High school numbers go down. Not exactly rocket science. And not my fault. Step off, mister.
OMG you guys, I still have no power and this morning, no hot water. And I super overslept, so it's just as well that I didn't want to shower, since I had no time anyway? They are now saying it will be back by noon, but they have been pushing off the promised time every few hours, since noon yesterday. I'm spending the night at my parents' tonight regardless (mom out of town), but I wonder if I'll have my massage after work (in my neighborhood). OY.
But did I mention my team won the office spelling bee yesterday? That was fun.
I am far too suggestible. I'm reading The Hunger Games, and it's making my brain think that I have to eat everything, because each meal could be my last for a while. I know that I've got a fridge full of food, since I just went grocery shopping yesterday.
There's insomnia where I wake up early, and there's insomnia where I wake up early with a insanely pounding headache. Guess which one was this morning?
An office spelling bee would be awesome!
Ugh, ita.
The bee was good because it wasn't standing up at a mike -- it was teams of three writing on a whiteboard. Now we have to go to the citywide one. Our team was the most random selection of three people in my department, which turned out to be really perfect.
Finished reading Hunger Games. My plan for the rest of the day is to get some stuff done this afternoon, and then go to the bookstore to buy the next two books. (Quite a few people have told me to buy them together.) I kind of want to go to the bookstore now, but I know that if I do that, then the "get some stuff done this afternoon" won't happen.
yeah, get them Friday aft, because you will have a "lost weekend" with those books.
yeah, get them Friday aft, because you will have a "lost weekend" with those books.
Probably a good idea. I stayed up way too late last night reading. I can get stuff done today, then stop by the bookstore after work tomorrow. (Thursdays are supposedly my "day off," which pretty much means I spend them doing all the stuff I didn't have time to do on other days.)
Oh, it's supposed to be in the seventies this weekend! I can go sit on a bench in the park and read there! (When I was a kid, I loved to read while swinging in a playground swing, but I think I'd get weird looks if I tried that as an adult, especially on the first warm weekend in a while, when the park will be full of kids.)