I find that W to E kicks me in the head more. I'm not an early riser to begin with and trying to fly east and then get up the next morning for an early morning meeting when my brain is screaming that it's still the middle of the night just hurts. This particular set of trips is when it's the worst though, I'm in Orlando from Sunday through Friday, back to LA for Saturday, then back to Orlando for another Sunday through Friday.
ita, I'm glad to hear that your mom is doing better.
Maria! It's always so good to see you.
Though W to E is easier for me than E to W.
This. Since I flew all the way west and came back east gradually, I don't think I have jet lag, just general exhaustion from traveling so much. But morning feels like morning, and night like night, so.
ita, I'm glad your mom is home.
I'm in Orlando from Sunday through Friday, back to LA for Saturday, then back to Orlando for another Sunday through Friday.
That's just mean. With this kind of trip, it doesn't matter which direction you're going. It sucks all around.
I totally prefer E to W. When I went to Hawaii, I felt great, even though I was awake at 4am and in bed around 9. But I think ND hit it on the head - I like being up in the mornings.
I am a night person and I still find E to W easier to adjust to. My night owl tendencies when I got W to E mean I will stay up waaaaay too late and get up late.
I find E to W easier because that first morning W I can always just sleep until local time is getting up time no matter how early I might have gone to sleep the night before and after that I'm more or less acclimated.
don't fuck with Scrabble Champions:
Chollapat Itthi-Aree of Thailand demanded that officials at this past weekend's World Scrabble Championships in Warsaw strip and search his opponent, Ed Martin of England. Itthi-Aree thought Martin had hidden a letter "G" somewhere.
The Scrabble authorities, though, "decided against the strip search, saying there wasn't enough evidence of cheating," CBS News reports.
Martin went on to with their match by one point.
Really, Catholic Church? Institutional baby trafficking?
Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals.
The children were trafficked by a secret network of doctors, nurses, priests and nuns in a widespread practice that began during General Franco’s dictatorship and continued until the early Nineties.
Hundreds of families who had babies taken from Spanish hospitals are now battling for an official government investigation into the scandal.
Several mothers say they were told their first-born children had died during or soon after they gave birth.
Well, the only solution for alleged Scrabble cheating is to have the players play naked.