Heh, I was just going to escalate to the head of the Dublin office. I would dearly love to see the incompetent HR person we have dealt with all along fired.
My super-nice neighbor just called and offered to pick the kids up at school (and it's not even raining). We have apparently continued our streak of best neighbors ever. Casper is sleeping over there tonight. They are SO nice I am a little worried they might be planning to sacrifice her to their elder gods or something.
Too too busy here! I had a bill request from yesterday that I took care of first thing, did my four things that get done every morning (just finished the fourth), updated three files, called the Secretary of State's office in Texas to tell them they were missing a file on their website (got a big thank you from the guy for catching it) and have updated a big chunk of one of my databases. And, I still have over four hours to go!
I'm glad your neighbors are nice, flea, and hope the incompetent get what's coming to them!
Erin, is it common by you to have a garage sale on a weekday? I've never seen it before, and wonder who's around and shopping then.
I don't feel like working, and have so far successfully avoided doing much work today! I did get to eat both coffee cake in my department and some wedding celebration cake in my friend's department. Now I'm full, since there was also a ham sandwich in there.....
Not Erin, but around here, most garage sales start on Friday and go through Sunday, although Sundays are deader than dead, since most people know that the stuff is picked over by the end of the day on Saturday.
Here garage/yard sales are very much a saturday/sunday thing.
Here garage/yard sales are very much a saturday/sunday thing.
Here, too. I rarely see signs for a Friday garage sale.
They are SO nice I am a little worried they might be planning to sacrifice her to their elder gods or something.
Nah, not for a week and change. Elder god sacrifice is more of a new moon thing.
ETA: Or so I've heard.
Around here I have seen a bunch of Friday garage sales and it always throws me.
I have that overly emotional feeling, like I could cry at the drop of a hat. I'm not PMSing, nothing specifically has me upset, I just feel completely off kilter. This needs to stop.
Question: My college recently changed its name from State College to State University.
For purposes of filling out intrusive government paperwork for investigative bullshit, did I attend a BSC or BSU?
What about a resume?
Garage sales in Utah are very Friday/Saturday, due to the whole "Shopping on Sunday is evil, and if I go shopping I may run into my neighbor who will give me a dirty look and talk trash about me to the other members of the congregation, even though she's out shopping too."
The stay-at-home Moms descend upon the garage sales, or they show up before they go to work and pick through everything before you're ready.
Re: scary things and kids, Hubby had a standing display in the game store of a D&D monster with huge teeth and claws. Tiny kids would run up to it and hug it. One I saw kept cackling and going "Grrr! Grrr!" He sold several of the things to parents, who put them in the kids' room and said that the kids slept much better because they had their own personal monster to keep the other ones away.