Not home yet, so I haven't done any of my onerous stuff there, but I did call about my student loan stuff to see where it is stuck. Didn't get any great answers but will follow up again on Friday.
Also - work is driving me nuts. Too much hurry up and wait. Or PMs who ask me to help but only give me 10% of the information I need to be able to help them. When I send them a list asking for A, B, C, I typically get back B, half of C, plus R and Q. Gahhhhh. This isn't rocket science people. Just answer the questions asked. Not that difficult. If you don't know...just say that instead of ignoring the question.
oh flea, I feel for you. Picking the kids up from school shouldn't be an onerous task. But yay for nice neighbors!
Weird find during a vanity google: [link]
I always thought my name was so unique. Now there's another me. I feel like I should offer a copy of Sam. But that would be weird and creepy. So I'll just sit here feeling odd about my name doppelganger.
Tom I want to chime in and say you give really good hugs. And presents!
And good Brooklyn walking tours!
I think it would be cute, Allyson.
Whoa Allyson, your name doppelganger looks a bit like Matilda. She's like the doppelganger girl!
I did an onerous.. Or at least scarey.. Task: asking whether my contract will be extended after Nov 1st.
The answer is actually a Don't Know: the manager wants to keep me as the project isn't near done, but the budget is still being approved. I may know by Monday....
Cereal: Allyson, I can go you one better: currently there is a woman with my real name on trial in Montana for killing her husband.
Whoa. Stay gold, little Allyson. Stay gold.