(And in nice parenting news, I gave our neighbor boy some of it and he told me it was really good and better than what his grandma makes. And then Ellie chimed in with "my mom is a great cook!" which is semi-true and really sweet of her to say because there's no way she actually knows I"m a good cook because I never cook anymore.)
This is so cute. Yay for Ellie being pro-mom's cooking.
Yeah, one toilet. And I've had a really crummy time with other house stuff since then (you don't know fun until your flowerbeds are covered in raw sewage, for instance) but I mostly keep it to very short whiny tweets. It's really all just an expensive inconvenience and part of being a homeowner. I just really didn't need to be "broken-in" this hard less than two months in!
And my job is very difficult these days for a multitude of reasons that I can't go in to. But I just hang in there knowing This Too Shall Pass.
I do miss my dogs, though. But they're really happy staying at Charlie's house because he gives Them All The Treats and All The Walks.
Yeah, you got the ultimate hell in new home ownership.
But damn what I wouldn't do to just sit at home eating a home-made apple crisp.
If you have time this coming weekend, we could get together and pick apples and then I could make a pie or cake or crisp and we could watch a movie or something. Which isn't your home, but at least it's a home...
It doesn't compare but my upstairs toilet is currently a very disgusting clogged up mess. Im trying to work up the energy, and stomach, to go deal with it some more.
Weird huh? Never had a single issue with the place the 2.5 years that I was a tenant.
I did have some pretty funny news last week when the electrician came by to work on a list I had for him. It included the garbage disposal that hadn't worked since summer of 2010. A plumber had looked at it and said I needed a replacement, but I had my trusy electrician take a look, too. Um. He tried plugging it in and found that the outlet wasn't "hot". It did work when plugged into an extension cord. So, he investigated the garbage disposal switch.
I have a night light in the kitchen, plugged in, and it turns out that it's so big it covered up the "re-set" button . He took the night light off, pressed the button back in, and the switch for the garbage disposal worked. HAHAHAHA! I told him I was the happiest idiot ever!
ETA: Stephanie, Tom and I were both VERY grateful that the flood was "clean water" from the toilet!!
If you have time this coming weekend, we could get together and pick apples and then I could make a pie or cake or crisp and we could watch a movie or something. Which isn't your home, but at least it's a home...
Awww thanks but I am leaving Friday for a weekend at my (surrogate) sister's "ranch" north of Sacramento.
But if you can use apples for pie or canning or whatever, you're WELCOME to them! That goes for the ZMayhem's too (and any other localistas!). The back gate is unlocked.
Contagious-disease fans should definitely read Pox Americana,
I second the motion. Also, everyone should read
Rats, Lice and History.
The Ghost Map
by Steven Johnson, about a London cholera outbreak, is pretty good until the author, who likes to hear himself talk a little too much, goes on a weird tangent about urban planning.
That reminds me that I really should read my copy of Gina Kolata's Flu, about the 1918 Influenza
The Great Influenza
is better. And it's the size of a Neil Stephenson novel - Flu is practically a puff piece in comparison.
I'm going apple-picking next weekend, but I wish I was going to Javachik's tree instead!
The Great Influenza
is sitting in my TBR pile. I keep picking it up, weighing it in my hand, and putting it back down.
The Great Influenza is better. And it's the size of a Neil Stephenson novel
Hhhhmmmm, a good Kindle possibility! First I need to finish the ESPN history book and the Amanda Knox trial book.