Yeah, I do all that early stuff, and I never am checking bags. But like I said before, paranoid, and also enjoy airports. I told you about the time I met this amazing blues singer whose brother had just been shot, right?
Serious ~ma for ita's mom and family. And for ita, 'cause I know waiting's sometimes the hardest part.
I have been busy for the past few days, and it seems lke everything sort of explodiated for people.
Much ~ma for everyone, especially ita and ita's mom.
My downstairs neighbor gave me some chicken soup to thank me for letting her use my grocery cart. It is pretty good, but there are some things in it that I am not sure if they are chicken parts that are unidentifiable or weird mushrooms. I am guessing chicken parts, but man, how many necks can a chicken have!!!
Okay, so I have a ticket out tomorrow morning. I have arranged to return my rental tonight. I'm on the phone with the Total Loss people from Geico to arrange getting my cheque or whatever.
I should really do some work.
Good luck, ita !
I did have trouble when I was flying United (no status) and had to get manually checked in--that line was long. For security lines at SEA I usually know when they're long and when they're not, based on loooooong experience. So even if I don't get to use the short line, I sometimes know it'll be long (Monday and Tuesday mornings? Hella long. Tues/Wed afternoons? Short)
I wish I lived closer, ita !, so I could drive you, or so you could punch me to relieve stress or something useful (I have a high pain threshold; just hit me in the arm or leg, please.)
Much ~ma to ita's mom.
I didn't get the Netflix email. I feel rejected.
I didn't either. But I had let my account expire, so.
I got this Netflix email, but I swear I never got the one about Qwickster
I got that one too - but after I'd heard all about Qwickster from everyone else.
someone on the avclub nicknamed qwickster - dirtnapster
which made my inner 11-year-old laugh.