Good luck, ita !
I did have trouble when I was flying United (no status) and had to get manually checked in--that line was long. For security lines at SEA I usually know when they're long and when they're not, based on loooooong experience. So even if I don't get to use the short line, I sometimes know it'll be long (Monday and Tuesday mornings? Hella long. Tues/Wed afternoons? Short)
I wish I lived closer, ita !, so I could drive you, or so you could punch me to relieve stress or something useful (I have a high pain threshold; just hit me in the arm or leg, please.)
Much ~ma to ita's mom.
I didn't get the Netflix email. I feel rejected.
I didn't either. But I had let my account expire, so.
I got this Netflix email, but I swear I never got the one about Qwickster
I got that one too - but after I'd heard all about Qwickster from everyone else.
someone on the avclub nicknamed qwickster - dirtnapster
which made my inner 11-year-old laugh.
I don't know how hittable I am these days, but in my karate days, the instructor had guys punch me to get used to the idea of hitting a girl. I'd happily be a target too.
All kinds of ~ma to you and your family, ita. It's hard, but the people who were helpful to me were ones who joked and teased me the way they always had, rather than the ones who suddenly started walking on eggshells.
Okay, so I have a ticket out tomorrow morning
I am sure it will be much easier when you are there. It totally sucks to be dealing with parent stuff remotely. Many wishes that you will find a good prognosis for your mother.
I hope I'll want to cry less when I'm there.