If you go back to the beginning of this conversation, though, Maria simply pointed out that some people who have military ties here might not love the remark about "military intelligence." She was straightforward about it, and not snarky.
This was what seemed super-snarky in response, erika:
it's totally awesome how much finger-shaking and correcting and looking to be offended goes on on this board these days.
And since you weren't the one who made the original "military intelligence" remark, I'm not sure why you were so heated. Maria said people *might* not love it, that's all, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Caring that people we like and spend a lot of time with might get hurt isn't something to rail against. And in the beginning, that's all it was -- a simple reminder.
Caring that people we like and spend a lot of time with might get hurt isn't something to rail against.
Yes. Thank you. I love the snark on this board, but sometimes (hell, rarely) someone says something that hits close to home for someone. I really,
don't like the idea that we should just let shut up and let it slide on the occasion when it does happen.
Some of the people who are shutting up are shutting up about feeling scolded. I don't think that's fair. Republican Buffistas have spoken up before about feeling uncomfortable about general negative statements made about Republicans that obviously didn't include them. Because they're supposed to understand that no one would mean them. It's the other Republicans, you know, the dumb ones.
This is exactly what I was thinking of, when I spoke up--because it wasn't the first time I've seen "republican intellectual" derided here. And I'm all for making fun of particular republican politicians or stances--lord knows as a gay, I'm not most of their favorite person either. I was just hoping for more civility.
There has been once or twice when I have accidentally stepped in the guacamole and I appreciated being called on it. Ok, maybe in the moment I took it more personally than it was likely intended, but when I stepped back a bit, I got it. In the one case that I remember clearly, I learned something from the exchange. My 2 cents.
a more and more snark free zone.
I also don't think that's a fair assessment of this board. (Same disclaimer as before.)
This is a perfectly fair assessment. For me this is a change that happened years ago. For me the overall feeling of the board shifted. I didn't want to get into it so I did what I needed to do which was to curtail much of my posting and participation. I still adore the folks here and read the board regularly, but I'm much less likely to chime in.
Sometimes, although I can see why ita, as a moderator/creator of the board, errs on the side of caution, believe it or not. (And it's okay with me that y'all don't laugh at all my jokes...I guess I wanted benefit of the doubt or something...I don't know, it's hard to describe.)
Much like the board's evolution over the years.
But I'm not flouncing off or anything.
Good--I can only speak for myself, but I don't think anyone wants you flouncing off, Erika!
Now I'm all sad that ND feels that way, but hey, I get to see him tomorrow! Yeahhhh!
Don't feel sad. Honestly this is something that changed for me years ago. I know that I can tend to say some inflammatory things and that my thinking doesn't always line up with everyone else and I have a tendency to go off on things related to religion. Rather than make it a really ugly situation that didn't fell to me like it would serve a greater purpose, I adjusted my posting and involvement habits. Again, I love the board and the folks here. The only reason I spoke up today was because I felt like I needed to not be the "lurker supporting in email" but rather voicing that from my perspective I saw this shift in the board as well. That's all that I can speak to, that it did happen from my perspective.
Like what? I'm curious. For the record, slamming of black people or Jamaicans or any groups I belong will hurt me, whether or not y'all think I understand you mean other "good" Jamaicans or other "well-behaved" black people. It's how I roll.
I can see why ita, as a moderator/creator of the board, errs on the side of caution, believe it or not.
This has nothing to do with my role as a creator of the board, or being a stompie. I just don't like the idea of people being hurt because of of...precisely what Amy said.