Being able to swap out the PCV valve and valve hose on my car with less effort than anticipated, and then being able to get hold of Daniel's cousin to verify that I had done the job correctly.
I love being able to pop the hood and adjust something on my own. And it's quite fun to say to the young man jogging over, eager to do prove his manliness, "No, thanks, I've already fixed it" as I drop the hood.
believe it or not, I'm not arguing for the right to be a dick.
I'm not arguing for the right to be a dick.
You do seem to be arguing that people should be less offended at what you say, though. But not really why.
That my nose is no longer numb. Novocaine is weird. The cavity I had filled today wasn't too bad, either.
WS, I agree on the Novocaine. (Core temperature drop being one of the side effects - you can't tell me that's right.) But YAY filled cavities!
Remember the year I went camping in Key West for Thanksgiving so as not to deal with family. I have decided to do this again next year. Seriously. Tired of trying to be peacemaker. Just show up and eat the sweet potatoes people.
I didn't expect such an intense response...I don't really know what to say, except that probably everyone here owes her or his income to some institution or other and I personally think it's okay to mock them. i.e. "military intelligence"
Other people seem not to think so(or maybe if I were a vet, could I say that?)
And, okay, they are both priggish and somewhat out-of-style, but I suppose Buckley and George Will count as Republican intellectuals.(Still think Newt's a lightweight.)
And I still don't think I was so wrong that I had to hear from five different posters. *I'm* offended by that. But I was bad and needed to pay or something so my feelings don't count.
I don't see where five people called you out on this unspecified "it", after multiple re-readings of the page, but it's perfectly possible I'm callously missing something.
However, you're just as entitled to say you're hurt as anyone else is. I'm not sure why you'd think someone else should shut up about their feelings in Bitches of all places.
Key West for Thanksgiving
That sounds lovely. The last time I was in Key West was probably 30 years ago (damn, I clearly remember things from 30 years ago, children born since then have had children since then).
The day before Thanksgiving and I'm doing what I'm usually doing, sitting in tech for A Christmas Carol until at least 10 tonight.
I'm not sure why you'd think someone else should shut up about their feelings in Bitches of all places.
So they don't get scolded?
I'm actually, literally having an anxiety attack at this moment from reading that last little kerfuffle.