I'm fairly sure that that was *always* intended to mock the thinking of the military as a large, lumbering institution that can be quite stupid, rather than military members
You do realise how much that sounds like "Some of my best friends are members of the military", right? "Of course I didn't mean *you*" is not good or tight rhetoric. Sure, you didn't mean the Buffista. Did you mean their co-workers? Friends? Who did you mean? Uh, nobody anyone knows or cares about? Okay, then.
it's totally awesome how much finger-shaking and correcting and looking to be offended goes on on this board these days.
Yeowch. erika, I'm not sure what else you're referring to here, but I've never seen any Buffista "looking to be offended." I've seen people disagree politely (if sometimes heatedly) and even challenge each other, but mostly what that says to me is that this is a community where people feel comfortable enough to say when something is bothering them, and it's one of the things I like best about us.
Ok, I suck.(I'm sure somebody's brother-in-law is a think-tank supergeniusAND the nicest guy on earth. I need an acronym for that, I suppose. save time.) but I have ZERO respect Gingrich's intellectual attainments.
No group hugs for me.
Bitches used to be fun...sometimes it really isn't anymore. Sometimes it's like having fifty strict mommies all "What do you SAY?" at the exact same moment.
That doesn't feel friendly, either.
(unless it was my kink, I guess)
I'm sorry...forget I said anything.
I'm an asshole.
Folks, I think your point has been made; you've gotten an apology. Any more of this just looks like a pile-on, and I would really, really prefer that not happen.
I don't know, when you say it like that, it shouldn't.(Which is, of course, why you did.)
But nobody would admit to being repressed, would she?
I'm hurt that everyone seemed to have no problem believing the worst about *me* from quoting George Carlin.(Not that I need to be a Special Case, or anything...screw that.)
Maybe the vibe has just changed in ways I'm not compatible with.
Karl, I had a posting box open for a bit before I was able to post and did not see the subsequent post from erika.
Not trying to pile on, but unfortunately I can't stay attached to the board all day. Correcting my post now.
Karl, it's cool.
But I won't complain about being invisible on the board again.
I'm hurt that everyone seemed to have no problem believing the worst about *me* from quoting George Carlin.
I don't know that "everyone" thought the "worst". Just that...it's a touchy thing to say, and it doesn't matter who said it first. That's all.