Oh, dear, Pix. Glad you finally saw a doctor.
Dana, I hope they get it figured out soon.
amyth, I totally cried after hanging up, so tell T he's not alone. M saying my name, even like a parrot, kind of got me, too.
That it was! Glorious, glorious chaos.
I'm rewatching Justified s2.
Raylan: "I never bore any illusions that my family was the Cosbys."
Art: "That's because your family isn't funny."
Tim: "At least you got to shoot your dad. Mine had the bad taste to die before I returned from basic armed and trained."
Raylan: (thoughtfully) "I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would."
Pix I hope it's nothing and that you get some relief.
My day didn't got planned (Winter Farmer's Market, cleaning, library, pharmacy) because I was woken up by a call from work asking me to come in. So I went in and put in a 8 hour shift, and then met Will, had dinner, and watched some of the FSU-UVA game.
I'v got glitter on my face and it's not coming off. I think all the cashiers had glitter on our faces. I expect to have some degree of glitter through the holidays.
Oh, also got some more comfortable shoes for work.
I'm having cat issues again. Maddie's lost weight and I didn't think she was eating. I gave her wet food and she ate it like she was hungry, but she's licking at it and taking forever to eat it. I finally got her and sort of wrestled her around and I think she's got some sort of sore in her mouth. Maybe.
I bought some fancy feast and have been giving it to her (I can't afford to buy the dry and wet Natural Balance cat food) so I have to keep her separate from Dean. Who flipped out the other day and peed on the rug.
It's too cold at night to put her on the enclosed porch so for now she's going in the bathroom and I'm just hoping Dean won't pee on anything.
I'm planning to call the vet on Monday. I also need to reschedule my snow tire appointment. I really need snow tires.
Also procrastination pays off! I was waiting until I got paid to order winter boots from REI, I have some gift cards via My points, but not enough to cover the whole order.
I just went to buy them and they are on sale and I have a little money left on one gift card!
askye, sorry you're having cat issues. Right there with you, Xusa keeps barfing up her food. I've been feeding her four small meals instead of two larger ones, and it helped for a while, but she's been horking the last couple of days since I bought wet food again. I don't even know.
Cats are so hard to figure out sometimes.
Maddie ate at least 1/2 the mush mixture I made her. I put the rest in the fridge, I'll warm it up tomorrow and give it to her.
Dean hasn't peed on anything yet so I'm calling this a win.
The scene where Art chases an emphysemic old bank robber in slo-mo is so funny/sad.
It's another ruptured ovarian cyst--this one luckily a lot less painful than the last. I have pain meds and am about to be discharged. Everything else came back normal.
Jesus, Pix! I'm so sorry.
this one luckily a lot less painful than the last
Okay. As small favors go, that's a good one. Wish you back-to-normal and good health.
Scary, Pix. Glad you sought care today. Feel better.