sj, what kind of curry did you make with the sweet potatoes? We got some today at the farm and I've been intrigued since you mentioned it yesterday. Can you post the recipe? (or, the vague recipe stylings?)
I used this recipe as general guideline. However, I did not cook the sweet potatoes first, just let them simmer in the curry until they were soft enough. I didn't have spinach so I used swiss chard, and it wasn't quite hot enough so I added some hot paprika and I added a dash of cream just because. No, I never faithfully follow a recipe faithfully, why do you ask?
Here is the pomegranate quinoa recipe if anyone is interested.
Ooh, we have spinach too! Also chick peas.
Lots of nothing ~ma, Pix. I hope that you can get seen, soon.
Dana, lots of ~ma and good thoughts for your grandmother.
smonster, it was so good to "see" you this evening! I think this was the night of homesickness. Skyping made T. cry and say that he wished he was back in NC, made you homesick, made *me* homesick, and I'm home. I realized that I hadn't really hung out with A&B and the triplets in
two years,
since Friends' Thanksgiving of '09, and that I've barely seen G&G and Q. since last year. We're all so busy, and esp. all the parents. But at least we all still get together once a year. And you saw: HOLY CRAP IT WAS CHAOS.
I've had blood drawn and my vitals checked multiple times, but the ER is totally slammed. I'm still waiting for a room to see a doctor.
What hospital are you at? I hope you get seen by a doctor soon. I'm not used to the idea of having blood drawn before seeing a doctor.
I'm at Huntington. I'm finally in a room. The pain is worse, so I'm hoping to get some answers soon. It's a good hospital. ND and I have both spent more time here than we'd like and have been very impressed by them overall they were just really busy today
Great, glorious chaos. I loved it. And now I'm loving being home. I'm sorry you weren't able to be there in person, smonster (or G&T).
Pix, much nothing~ma. And Dana, much healing~ma for your grandmother.
My mother is using the word "puzzled."
Oh, Dana, I am sorry. Puzzled isn't a good word when people are ill. I hope you have some answers and solutions soon.
And the same for you, Pix. Plus a lot of pain relief. Pain is scary and unexplained pain is doubleplus.
Mom arrives tomorrow and I am mostly ready. Why don't I clean my house to company levels more often? I like it when it's done.
Doc thinks maybe kidney stone. Yay. Ultrasound ahoy.
Mom arrives tomorrow and I am mostly ready. Why don't I clean my house to company levels more often? I like it when it's done.
I ask myself this every time we have company.
{{{Pix}}} I hope you get answers soon and feel better.
Geez Pix. Were you in that much pain?