(We are planning to subsist on a diet low in $$$ and high in a thin gruel in order to pay off our credit cards.)
Beans and rice and rice and beans, like Dave Ramsey says. I need to do my menu planning for the week.
I think being so busy this week at work kept some of the sadness about StW at bay, but it's swung back in full force this weekend. I'm sad and I'm angry, and I know it's not logical but that's how I feel. So I'm watching Justified and lusting after Raylan in my heart. Mmm, Raylan.
Beans and rice and rice and beans, like Dave Ramsey says.
Yep. Got some black beans soaking for dinner tonight. Had some chaurice in the freezer, gonna cook it all up with onion, pepper, garlic, and beet greens.
Ooh, I should freeze my andouille so I have it for my next red bean batch.
Pix, yikes! I hope it's nothing serious.
Yes, much much much ~ma for Pix!
Pix, tons of it's nothing~ma headed your way.
I cleaned all the things today, and TCG made a yummy pilaf with quinoa and pomegranate seeds to go with the leftover curry while I had a nice, hot shower.
Nothing~ma, Pix!
I just skyped with amyth and Calli and everyone. I'm a little homesicker than I realized.
Also barley and lentils (if you get the barley bulk at a coop or health food store and not at absurdly high prices it sells for in most supermarkets). More per calorie and but less per gram of protein. (And protein is what is expensive).
Hope it's nothing, Pix.
I'm a little homesicker than I realized.
Aw. But yay for Skype time! My sister is going to install Skype on my nephew's computer when she goes over there tomorrow so that she will be able to Skype wither her granddaughter... and I will then be able to Skype with my grand-niece and her parents, which I'm looking forward to.