Highway food is boring, Hil, I agree.
So for the past 24 hours I've have this dull aching pain (with occasional sharper pains) that radiates from my lower right abdomen to my back. It’s not my appendix, I don’t think, since there’s no pain when I put pressure on that area. I’m concerned it might be another ovarian cyst or a kidney stone. It’s not severe or consistent enough to actually go to the urgent care, but it’s a bit worrisome. I don’t want to wait to go in if it’s something serious, but what if it’s just a cramp? Sigh.
Road Food. You don't have to have Dennys.
I have memories of the Vince Lombardi Service Area on the Turnpike in the 70s. Before it was taken over by fast food franchises, it was just this generic diner, with a middle-aged waitress in a polyester uniform, who called everyone "Hon". I don't know what her name was, but I bet it was Marge. It was right in the middle of the most desolate part of New Jersey. It was truly spectacular in its banality.
Pix, yuck. Hope you feel better soon.
I remember the Vince Lombardi--probably had that same waitress.
Aww, it's windy and blustery here and I am tired and periody and the women's group from my old church in Kansas just sent us a teeny care package with cookies, pumpkin seeds, a pumpkin candle, a mug, and an iTunes card. Now I feel all warm.
I did a bunch of the things! Burrito for lunch, picked up prescription at CVS (hooray, my prescriptions are all transferred there from Walgreens), went to the farm where we: got produce, got a chicken, donated $20 for food boxes for the local folks in need, and played with all the awesome dogs there for an adoption event!!!! Man, they were such great dogs. Heartbreaking though- one of the dogs (whitefonted to avoid senseless acts of human stupidity/cruelty)
was given to the shelter by a vet who had received him because the owners wanted to put him down for no reason whatsoever, just because they didn't want him anymore.
Hooray for awesome vet, though!
Um, also: dropped of drycleaning, voted, bought a new cat water fountain, beat the rug outside, and put all the cardboard boxes in the house into the recycling.
Gonna chill for a bit and then go to massage and Sears. Tom has promised to clean ALL THE FLOORS while I am gone.
got a chicken
I read this several times before I realized you probably didn't get a live chicken.
HA, you know, I thought I ought to edit for clarity. And then I didn't do it. No, not a live chicken. But a delicious farm chicken! Our meat splurge of the week.
(We are planning to subsist on a diet low in $$$ and high in a thin gruel in order to pay off our credit cards.)
(We are planning to subsist on a diet low in $$$ and high in a thin gruel in order to pay off our credit cards.)
Beans and rice and rice and beans, like Dave Ramsey says. I need to do my menu planning for the week.
I think being so busy this week at work kept some of the sadness about StW at bay, but it's swung back in full force this weekend. I'm sad and I'm angry, and I know it's not logical but that's how I feel. So I'm watching Justified and lusting after Raylan in my heart. Mmm, Raylan.