much continued ~ma to bonny and Bartleby.
Lots of ~ma for your friend, Beth.
smonster, I'm bringing my laptop to Friends' Thanksgiving to facilitate Skyping with you and T&G, but I just realized that I had to change my desktop picture, to avoid getting mocked by everyone.
Is your desktop pic JGL in drag, perhaps?
Nora, I vote... go get produce, come home, clean some floors if not ALL THE FLOORS, run the mall errand then get massage.
Or not, whatever.
I need to: call vet again, create my envelope system, do an hour or so of work, fill out my insurance questionnaire, and also CLEAN ALL THE FLOORS. Way too many pet bodily fluids been landing on them lately, need a good mopping (with my Flylady mop, yis). I might go see a show at Fringe Fest tonight - there's a wedding one that sounds fun (and is a real wedding!).
I am at the office. I need to FILE ALL THE PAPERS, then get nails done, then go home and figure out what I am packing for our week away. I DID find two nice shirts last night and feel that they will keep the body image demons at bay during the trip.
Is your desktop pic JGL in drag, perhaps?
JGL holding a poodle, of course.
I need to shower and make Brussels sprouts.
Grr. I am frustrated. I was really looking forward to getting my hair cut and highlighted today (I’m a couple weeks overdue), but it turns out that the receptionist screwed up and I’m not even on the schedule. The next time my stylist can fit me in is the 29th.
I'm driving to NJ. Just stopped at a Denny's for lunch. Highway food is boring.
Highway food is boring, Hil, I agree.
So for the past 24 hours I've have this dull aching pain (with occasional sharper pains) that radiates from my lower right abdomen to my back. It’s not my appendix, I don’t think, since there’s no pain when I put pressure on that area. I’m concerned it might be another ovarian cyst or a kidney stone. It’s not severe or consistent enough to actually go to the urgent care, but it’s a bit worrisome. I don’t want to wait to go in if it’s something serious, but what if it’s just a cramp? Sigh.
Road Food. You don't have to have Dennys.
I have memories of the Vince Lombardi Service Area on the Turnpike in the 70s. Before it was taken over by fast food franchises, it was just this generic diner, with a middle-aged waitress in a polyester uniform, who called everyone "Hon". I don't know what her name was, but I bet it was Marge. It was right in the middle of the most desolate part of New Jersey. It was truly spectacular in its banality.
Pix, yuck. Hope you feel better soon.