We're doing okay, Steph. (and everyone, HEY!)
Bartleby has great energy and is behaving pretty normally, despite looking like he's been ravaged by wolves. He's hopped up on Tramidol and Rimadyl, so his pain is being managed pretty well.
He's got a drain in his thigh, which is supposed to be removed Monday. I'm being hyper-vigilant on the cleanliness front...without compromising his sutures, of course.
His wounds are just now starting to bother him, so his cone-free days are coming to a middle.
The dreaded incontinence hasn't been all that bad. On closer observation, it's become obvious that the surgeon didn't take 'a portion' of his sphincter, but pretty much half of it, so the fact that he's doing this well is pretty awesome. I'm committed to carrying baby wipes for the rest of his life. We'll adapt.
As for me, Tuesday was the worst day I've endured in the last 20 years...for reals. I cannot remember being that out of emotional control. It's hard to describe what happened but I'm pretty clear on the why.
Thankfully, Sparky and my OTBF were able to help me keep my head from exploding. Wednesday and Thursday were given up to exhaustion but I'm doing okay today.
I've got an intricate and quite full care-giving calendar with procedures and/or ministrations every two hours or so. In a weird way, it's helping. I've 'coped' with this problem for so long that having something to actually DO in response to it is kind of healing.
I'm really, truly looking forward to looking back, after a month or so, and knowing that we are on the other side of it. We may not ever be 100% again, but we'll be just fine.
I have to give big, BIG ups to Dr. Griffin. He may not be the most diplomatic dude ever, but he has mad skills and, without question, saved my little guy's life.
So. Yeah. I'm tired, but okay.
bonny, it sounds like an exhausting week, but things sound stressful but doable, and better.
I am cooking half of T-day dinner for my sister, mom, dad and Dan. The fam will be here from 10:30-2, because S had to work that night. The smallest bone-in ham I could find was 9 lbs. And it's my fam. so while I will clean and decorate, I don't have to all MiL crazy (not for her; for me, mostly.)
We will have leftovers, and invite what friends are in town that night and free of evening fam obligations to bring leftover and booze, and come hang out in sweats and PJ pants, drink, eat and chat/play games/Wii.
Made of win.
But we won't put ALL the leftovers out...
Yeah, you're right, Cass. I will enjoy it. I know I rob myself of some pleasure by cycling through this every time. Like camp this past year. I managed to make fear eat up half the summer, which turned out to be really fun. And I do value the family time, so I should just make the most of it. Plus, road trip in awesome new car! Ok, thanks.
Glad you and the dog are both doing better, bonny.
I know I rob myself of some pleasure by cycling through this every time.
Feel free to laugh at me when I am doing the same thing in a couple of weeks. And for Christmas.
Honestly, carving the tiniest spot of "me time" does make a world of difference. It gives me the time to at least get enough recharge to make it through the next day.
I will mock with aplomb, should it prove helpful. But yes, I will allow myself that time.
Bonus of mom coming to visit - I looked at the dying fire and thought, mmmm warm. Then I saw the sliding glass door and thought, hmmmm, I should clean that.
Hi bonny! That routine sounds totally overwhelming, sending you endurance~ma. Bartleby is so lucky to have you.
Yay for the renewing power of sleep! Frankie and I have been to the park already, and we're about to go for play time at the local doggie spa. It's a lovely day. I'm waiting for a call from the vet. I've got a shit ton to do, but I'll just keep plugging away at it.
{{{{{bonny and Bartleby}}}}}
Beth, tons of ~ma for your friend. How scary.
smonster! We just woke up so I don't think we will be able to make it for doggy play time.
I dunno what to do today. Vote. I have a massage at 3:30. Can run mall-related errand then (return Lands End stuff at Sears). drop off some dry cleaning. OMG CLEAN ALL THE FLOORS. Go to the farm for a produce box?
However, in order to do any of these things, I must get off my couch. So... hmm.
much continued ~ma to bonny and Bartleby.
Lots of ~ma for your friend, Beth.
smonster, I'm bringing my laptop to Friends' Thanksgiving to facilitate Skyping with you and T&G, but I just realized that I had to change my desktop picture, to avoid getting mocked by everyone.