Maria, glad to see you here. Our thoughts continue to be with you, when you need us, and even when you don't, we're here.
Omnis, all good thoughts for your dad and you.
bonny, I'm so glad Bboy is doing so well, may that continue. Good thoughts for both him, and you, as long as you need them.
Steph, I'm so sorry. From what you and others have said, I know your brother had so much of himself invested--that's dishearteningly difficult to lose. I hope something wonderful eventually comes from this, when he's had some time to grieve and adjust.
The rest of you? Stay safe.
I guess there's no way to move the brewing operation totally to the new facility and open the brewpub without the brewing setup in the basement?
There's a state law that breweries can't brew off-site and then deliver and serve their own beer in their own brewpub. And Jeff and the other Alchemist folks fought FOR the law to be passed -- the idea is that it keeps larger breweries from opening a chain of pubs in every town, because they would have the capacity to brew enough beer to do that, while tiny brewers like the Alchemist wouldn't be able to compete.
(I did not point out to my brother the Ayn Rand fan that such an issue should be left up to the free market to decide.)
So, the law makes sense from that POV, but right now it's screwing them hard because they *can't* brew at the cannery and serve it on Main St.
please tell your brother (if you wish) that your internet friend (who he actually met at the 5 year anniversary thing) is deeply sad and sorry.
I definitely will! I can't remember if I've given him the URL to your Beer Bitch blog -- I know he'd like it.
Teppy, I am so sorry to hear about The Alchemist.
There's a state law that breweries can't brew off-site and then deliver and serve their own beer in their own brewpub.
Heh, I think the law here in New Orleans is the opposite. You can't brew and sell on the same site. Though I could be wrong, there's a lot of weirdness with the booze laws here.
Hi Maria! Hi Bonny! Been thinking of you both.
Maria, it is good to see you.
So glad B is healing up and I am sure that being home with you, bonny, is a key part of that recovery.
And Happy Birthday, Jilli! Bats and cupcakes!
Maria, so good to see you. We are thinking about you.
Did I forget to say Happy Birthday to Jilli? Happy Birthday, Jilli!
I don't remember if I said happy birthday to Jilli, but I totally and sincerely meant it, so let me be sure to say it here, out loud: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JILLILADY.
Jilli, Happy Birthday!!!
Maria, it's always good to see you post. All sorts of good thoughts headed your way.
And a happy birthday to Jilli! I hope it's spectacular.
Thanks everyone. It was a really bad week and I appreciate each one of you being there for me, even if I disappeared.
It was a really bad week and I appreciate each one of you being there for me, even if I disappeared.
The great thing about invisible friends is that we're here for you even if we can't see you.