I add a little fruit juice to seltzer to try to fool myself into thinking I'm drinking soda.
True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange and a Sodastream, and I recently noticed I haven't even bought an Izze or any other drink in a restaurant for months. Water's just fine, if for some reason I don't have a sachet on me.
I want one, but my mother isn't psyched about it.(when I want a household object, it really is sort of tasking others)
Is the True Orange sweet like actual orange? I only bought the lemon, lime and grapefruit (which seems to have a hint of sweet but definitely skews to the tarter grapefruits I've eaten) Trues. I love them though. The shaker of True Lemon is brilliant. I use it in all sorts of cooking. Even a little sprinkle on salads.
the black cherry one is the BOMB
I love my SodaStream. Fizzy on tap.
Man, I need to get more Trues.
Okay, so I totally am eating the terrible pasta for dinner. But it's because I had a traumatic bra shopping excursion! Which, yes, body image will improve if I eat fewer pasta dishes. But still, for today? Totally okay with me. I'm adding meatballs, at least, which is a concession of a sort.
BUT! I came away with four bras and four pairs of panties and a pair of pantyhose for about fifty bucks. Two of the bras are sort of silly, but one is pretty good and one makes me feel awesome. So. Going to eat my pasta and call it a win.
You shopped for bras. If you want to eat flayed beloved cartoon characters, I think you've earned it. I loathe dealing with finding new bras.
They sell Sodastreams at my local Hy-Vee...
I am not tempted, because I am a water or decaf iced tea drinker, for the most part.
OH MY GOD. I am peeing ALL THE PEE! Every 10 mins, yo, and I have been sipping steadily, but nothing that should necessitate this Niagara of micturition!
ETA; "sipping steadily" at water and hot tea. Nothing...else.