was it beth above who said eating frequently helped her? I actually think that I felt better when I did that as well (and part of Atkins to nod to Trudy). It may be that Tim can cut down on sugar, but even things out so he doesn't have 3 large fries and a baked potato in one sitting (exaggeration, but you get my point).
I do much better when I can remember to eat small meals throughout the day, both mentally and physically. Small protein snacks throughout the day might really help Tim.
Oh loopy! We like a loopy Strix. Stick around and amuse us. Or, you know, get some rest.
What Laura said. Loopy Strix is fun.
Well. He's a vegetarian (with exceptions for shrimp and scallops), so "veggies and meat" become 90% veggies. That's really not what I would call balanced. With no dairy (why no dairy? that's so weird), he would get virtually no protein.
Could he still eat beans, or do those count as carbs? (I've seen various diet plans count them differently -- they've got plenty of protein, but also do have carbs.)
Could he still eat beans, or do those count as carbs?
My nutritionist thinks they are, much to my annoyance.
Do bitters taste anything like fernet? They sound like they should.
Nope! They're flavor extracts. I have cardamom and chocolate bitters, and LOVE them.
Well. He's a vegetarian (with exceptions for shrimp and scallops), so "veggies and meat" become 90% veggies. That's really not what I would call balanced. With no dairy (why no dairy? that's so weird), he would get virtually no protein.
Could he still eat beans, or do those count as carbs?
Oh, I should be more clear. He's not actually following her nutritional advice, other than aiming to cut out the sugar. I was more boggled at how restrictive it seems, and how it doesn't give much leeway for physical activity (muscle recovery needs carbs, man).
His primary care doctor is all "Eh. Eat some quinoa. It rocks."
for beans, some of the fiber counts against the carbs. so their actual carb load is lower than say a banana.
Yeah, I'm not supposed to do beans because it's a net carb gain. I was really surprised; when I went in I totally expected to walk out doing all lentils. But no. And honestly, she doesn't like soy either, but allows it. I had to switch to almond milk from soy milk.
Do bitters taste anything like fernet? They sound like they should.
Nope! They're flavor extracts. I have cardamom and chocolate bitters, and LOVE them.
Regular bitters do though. I love bitters and soda when I'm really thirsty. Plain old Angostura.
I had to switch to almond milk from soy milk.
I was shocked when I was looking at almond milk in the market and saw how little protein it has. I thought a milk made from nuts would have a ton of protein.