By the way, I too need to kick the sugar habit. Even Tim is cutting back on his sugar (which is like unto rivers running backward and hell getting frosty). So if you have any tips for how to do it without wanting to kill someone, I'd greatly appreciate them.
The one thing I've been trying lately is working a bit. Vinegar. There are tons of sites devoted to reducing blood sugar. I've been diluting vinegar in water and it has really helped curb the cravings.
At first I blamed it on PMS, but now I have no excuse.
Sue is totally me in this.
I have a million excuses for why I can and should indulge in stuff I shouldn't. THAT is what I need to get under control. The sugar is an obvious first step, but there are many more needed.
I've heard that pickles may help as well ... vinegar at work perhaps, or just a myth.
PS: Just went shopping with a friend and kept Michael Pollen's food rule in mind. "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
My one additional indulgence (besides the cupcakes) was popcorn. Though, I don't think that level of empty carbs is any better for the cravings, really.
I've heard that pickles may help as well ... vinegar at work perhaps, or just a myth.
I love me some pickles, so myth or no, I'd be down with that!
My local pickle guy, on whom I have a crush, makes wasabi pickles. NOM.
Cupcakes with green frosting count, right?
OH I hate pickles. HATE them.
I eat peanuts as snacks. that's what kicks my urges.
In unrelated (and somewhat dated) news, I'll see your asshook and raise you a saber saw. For which I can only offer my standard excuse: it seemed like a good idea at the time.
saber saw.
A sawzall turned into a fuckzall is not uncommon.
In our house, it is, however, strictly banned. Just no.
Sending out the gall bladder procedure~ma for Strix.
today is the day, right?