Latest entries in the Ryan Files:
Yesterday, when we were getting him ready for his nap, he looked at me and asked, "Daddy, why do you have such a big tummy?" Biyi told him, "It's because his tummy is full of knowledge."
Ryan thought a moment and replied, "No, because it's full of porridge!" I think we've hit another milestone. His first pun.
Also yesterday, at church, he was joining in with the prayers. Specifically, after the prayers, when everyone says "Amen". More specifically, just after that too, when he takes advantage of the silence to put out there his own loud "AMEN!"
His church does a children's lesson during the service. All the kids sit just in front of the altar and have a discussion with the pastor. Ryan went up with the other children. They close with a prayer. Ryan looked up and saw Biyi with her head bowed and eyes closed, got up, trotted over to her, patted her on the knee and said, "Wake up Mummy!"
They're probably fortunate that he didn't start singing "Give Me A Home Among The Gum Trees" during the sermon.
so I did not change my name, but I have know Matt for most of my life. To him, my name changine didn't make sense - muy name was my name. I'm not sure where it would have ended up if he did care.
I think that because Tim's family seems to see you as family - even before you were getting married it adds a different force behind the choice.
Ditto re: Ryan highlights.
If and when I ever get married, the name thing will be more of a dilemma for me. I had always thought that my name would be Vortex MaidenName HusbandName. I would be known professionally by all three names, but technically would be Vortex HusbandName. I liked the symbolism of the change, and with the idea of forming a distinct family unit with the new husband. But, between my bro changing his name (y'all may have chosen to forget that drama) and my dad being gone, I have a much bigger attachment to my current surname.
I have been rather looking forward to a new surname - the current one being both common and that of a commonly imbibed beer, but I find that the new surname on offer is pretty much just as common (at least it is here in Minnesota) and I am not entirely certain I can be arsed to bother with getting all new paperwork and stuff. We'll see.
But if Daniel will go for Pond for both of us, I'll do it.
I'm kind of attached to my names because all together the meanings serve as a plot summary of Princess Bride.
Vortex, I always giggle when I think of your brother and the name change. So bizarre.
Regardless of what name I choose, today is the fun part of wedding planning: we get to taste cupcakes after work!