I hope everyone is having a Happy Easter or a good weekend, depending on what you are celebrating.
I'm still feeling really tired, Will came over and we made hamburgers and watched more Duck Dynasty. I perked up a bit while he was here but I feel like I could crawl and bed and sleep for the rest of the day.
I try not to be late--but it often depends on what I"m doing beforehand (anything that is the first thing after I wake up, I'm likely to be running behind). I'm rarely more than 5 or 10 minutes late, though.
A big thing that peeves me though is people who don't back-calculate. Like, I understand that sometimes you calculate wrong, but like, if you say "Yes, let's do lunch, around noon!" and plan to also go to IKEA in the morning, you OUGHT to think "Ok, IKEA is 30 minutes away, so I'd have to leave there by 11:30. And I plan to get a couple things at IKEA, so figure an hour there, plus half an hour to get there, so leave my house by around 10..". If you do that, sure, maybe you leave your house a few late and have to rush, or maybe IKEA is a madhouse and it takes a few extra, but you're not massively late. If, on the other hand, you call me at 11:30 and say you just got to IKEA, well, I know you weren't thinking.
Did I ever mention the nonsensical heating system in my old place? (Where I still mostly am.)
Individual baseboard electric heaters, right? Because it was cheap for the landlords. Okay?
There are seven. Six of them I control from within my apartment but the seventh one can only be turned on or off from the circuit box. Due to the (relatively - given 17 years of being here) - new locked laundry room area - I have no access to the circuit box. So I don't turn the damn heater on. . . but several days ago - someboy did. I now hae ALL of the other heaters turned off and the apartment is still ridiculously warm because that heater cannot be turned off from within the apartment.
That seems less than useful, sumi, especially if you're paying the electrical bill. I hope your new place has a more sensible setup.
Have you ever made a red velvet lamb cake, Steph? Because I would so laugh.
Since apparently I've been documenting my food for quite some time -- yes, I did, in 2008: [link] (This post brought to you by the wonders of iPhoto.)
yes, I did, in 2008
Oh my gosh, that's hilarious!
Blood of the lamb, indeed.
Dangit! My fading chest cold has been replaced by a raging head cold. Like, buckets of snot and audible congestion. The worst part: I have a date tomorrow night. Like, 4th date, at my house, DVD and sexytimes kinda dates, and head cold is about as non sexy as I get. (Ok, and it would be super rude to pass that on to someone who literally cannot work with any kind of congestion, so that's an issue.) Booo!!!! It started yesterday so I went home sick and took today off to sleep and load up on Vit C (and vit D since it was sunny out, I spent a good bit of time reading outside) and drink insane amounts of gypsy cold care tea with honey and lemon but it doesn't seem to be budging. Whaaaaaa!
eta: second attempted nasal irrigation of the day=fail. I kept squeezing the bottle and it just. wouldn't. go. Ugh.
Erin, I was about to be sad for you until I saw sexy times fourth date! Go girl! Where did you find this one? Is he am okcupid or something else?
I had a somewhat awkward evening--hung out with the girl I met at karaoke on Wednesday. We made up a bit that night, and hung out Thursday night also. And then I hung out tonight with her and her friends. Except (a) her friends are babies, who live with people who are still in college!?! And (b) I found out she is NOT 25 like she said....she mentioned an upcoming birthday in a month, and in my head I'm all "ooh, 26 is closer to late 20s that wouldn't be QUITE as bad?" Except she's actually TWENTY FOUR. And was claiming 25 because its in a month. Omg. She's very cute and nice but I'm not sure I can deal.
This is actually the adorable OKC pilot. I'm afraid I may have to be noble and pass on sexyimes in favor of not passing on the ick and that's what's really pissing me off. I could be snotty for weeks if it were just work, home, friends, and cats. But sexytimes? I don't think he has a mucus fetish.