Cass, do you have your FB set so that you have to approve all tags before they appear on your timeline? I do, and I've untagged more than a few photos. It won't stop her from posting them to her wall, but at least people not on her friendslist wouldn't see them unless you want them to.
Also ((((Cass))) because I'm not there to give hugs in person anymore.
Ha, ha, I see what you did there.
But I fired off quite a rant before I realized that, duh, given software and skills,I could(or you know, someone who doesn't suck at that stuff, could) make a "receipt" that says anything. So I guess I can be just as hot-buttony in my own way as Archie Bunker and his "hard-earned money," blah, blah, there oughta be a law,etc.
So it would likely be uncool to photoshop erikaj, Steph, Cass, and Pix in line at the gourmet seafood and meat shop paying for their yummies with food stamps and tagging them all in the picture posted to FB? How about if I promise to use pictures taken on really good hair days?
I'll even make fish sexy-face, Laura.
I know some of these people are just pissed about their own tough times, but they should do like Keith Olbermann said and "Punch *up*"(Although, generally, it's a bad idea to do it right in front of your boss...maybe we can call that the Griffin Corollary.)
Saw the endochronologist today. Basically everything shows I could be headed to hypothyrodism but maybe not. So the doctor is putting me on snthyroid for a trial and see if I can tell a difference.
Geez, I'm feeling almost bullied on facebook to change my profile pic to red and pink. (Not by anyone here, thank you Pix :) Seriously, does anyone think that me not jumping on a bandwagon that wasn't even explained until after 1/2 my FL changed their profile pics actually means that I somehow don't support gay rights and marriage equality? Granted, most of the pressure is coming from people that i'm not really close to so maybe they legitimately don't know...but seriously. It's a profile pic. I kinda thinks all the petitions I've signed over the years and all the letters I've written to legislators are way more useful than a symbolic gesture on a social media site. *sigh* On the bright side, I'm almost happy to be bullied for a legitimately good cause, rather than some of the rubbish that is out there.
Actually, the conversation that started out so frustrating ended up friendly and rewarding. I think some people do lash out because they feel like their struggle isn't being acknowledged...that doesn't mean that I changed anyone's mind, or that I won't be saying facebook people are dicks ever again, but maybe it's a good lesson to keep in mind.
Geez, I'm feeling almost bullied on facebook to change my profile pic to red and pink.
I refer you to your tagline.