You are kind and funny and generous and brave and a good person but you have two severe chronic conditions and in trying to deal with them this happened.
One of my favorites, which may or may not help you, is daylight. As much daylight, preferably sunlight, as possible.
Come visit sunny Pompano Beach! (hey, a girl can wish)
Much love to you, Strix. And much love to the others in this thread. Joining sj in a group hug.
Erin, darling, nothing but love here. You have issues -- depression and insomnia -- that are often best managed with meds. So you did what countless people do, and managed them with meds. Nothing wrong there. Addiction fucks normal things up, though, and I hate that it's fucking with you.
Dealing with it won't be a breeze, but you are tough and smart and strong AND you have an amazing support system, including us. So when you don't *feel* tough and smart and strong, we can help you find it again.
You can do this. We'll help you as much as you want us to.
Awww, you know we've got your back, Strix.
I think Scrappy did Cognitive therapy which may in fact have been how she got so very Wise.
Strix, no judgment here (literally for me and figuratively for the board) We love and respect you, and we just want you to be the best that you can be. We're here for support and encouragement, and help if we can.
Nothing but support, and courage and strength to Strix.
And all kinds of support to Ginger's bones and your stubborn. That's some admirable.
Ginger, nothing but good thoughts for you. I'm glad the test results are as good as can be expected. Stubborn has nothing on Bitches.
I'm feeling nauseated again and am trying to figure out if eating something will make it better or worse.
Strix, no judgment here. Just as much love and support as I can send. Please feel free to call if you need or want to.
So glad to hear good news, Ginger. Here's to your continued stubbornness.
Oh, Strix. I'm so sorry. I did get your email, just didn't know what to say, which is why I didn't respond. Take care of you.
Strix - lots of love and support.
Well, this morning was a bust. First, I had to pee in a cup to prove I'm not pregnant. I have a shy bladder. It took a while, but I got that done. Then we got down to the actual business and my
tipped uterus
made it hard for her to get to the
so it was a no go. Now I have to go through the whole process at an OB/GYN (I had been going through my regular doc who can handle most of this stuff). The first consultation appointment I've found is April 4th. I just want this DONE. I don't want to start over.