I'm guessing it's most likely the dense breast tissue thing. That's happened to me before, and as with you they scheduled my follow-up for the soonest day possible.
That does make me feel a bit better! And thanks everyone. I, too, am pretty sure it's just the dense breasts thing, but between my moms thing (hers was diagnosed at her first mammo at 40!) and a childhood friend (whos not hardly okder than me and has fewer risk factors!) having it recently, it freaked me out a bit more than I thought it would.
...and when this plane just loaded my boss had sent another "call me when you get to your hotel" email, but thankfully added "don't worry it's good stuff". But now I'm so curious!!
Ive seen a couple places Ive liked - I fear my crappy credit history trumped my stable work history and the 17 years Ive lived in the current spt. This makes me think Im going to have maximum trouble finding a place at all.
Breast~ma, Meara.
When I had my "Huh, I'm over 40, I should do this" mammogram I got a call back. They were kinda pushing a rushed follow-up and I told them, "My dad's dying, can this wait a month?" Suddenly they found it a lot less urgent. When I did make it in for the follow-up there was a five minute ultrasound, and they said, "Yep, it's just a cyst." So not all pushiness = important.
sumi, that's rough. I hope it all works out quickly.
Boobie ~ma, meara!
One variant of the money dance has people pinning money to you.
Or the wedding reception I attended where the bride came around to each table collecting envelopes of money from everyone. I was horrified. Where I come from (imagine nasal haughty voice) where *I* come from, even talking about money at a wedding was dreadfully tacky; no one would have dared ASK for it.
A quick piece of news: last night, Biyi gave her tenth speech at Toastmasters. (It was a tribute to her former English tutor; he and his wife also invited Biyi to stay with them when she was in need.) This means that she has now completed the Competent Communicator manual. I'm particularly proud of her because of course English is not her first language.
Biyi gave her tenth speech at Toastmasters.
Yay Biyi!!! I've heard good things about the Toastmasters.
I feel like I'm always asking for advice here but I trust you guys, so ... (Or is it . . .)
Ellie's basically not eaten since Friday due to the stomach flu. She's def. not getting worse but is hardly getting better. My mom, not a worrier, is worried. I am, a little (or I wouldn't be posting), but I just don't know what else to do. She hydrated, not vomiting, she just doesn't want to eat and says her stomach hurts. Shes also crabby and whiny, not really like her. Could a dr. do something I'm missing? Do I just wait until she wants to eat?
And, because it should not be mixed in with our health issues, that's cool for Biyi. Public speaking in another language scares me. A lot.
I am not a parent, but if she's hydrated, that seems like the major concern. Will she take something with some nutritional value, like chicken broth? Some of those Pedialite/Pediasure drink things?