OMG, i just totally started up an OKCupid conversation with a guy based solely on the fact that he has a photo of him in full Capn Tightpants regalia. Doesn't hurt that he's rocking it.
eta: Dunno if anyone else can see these photos, but i'd even be willing to drive to Washougal for this (and that's saying a lot for me!)
there are worse reasons to start up a conversation with someone.
Yeah, that looks worth a drive.
Seems well worth a drive, erin. Although I am suddenly aware now that I could never pull off an online profile. Too many photos!! I am NOT photogenic.
That man is eating bacon and I still think he's worth a drive for you, erin.
Cass, he's eating bacon on a maple donut. That is most definitely acceptable.
Cass, he's eating bacon on a maple donut. That is most definitely acceptable.
We're not vegetarian though.
But he shows a level of discerning taste and being cute that I think even a vegetarian might commute a little for this guy if he's actually that cool.
Man, I want a donut. I want that donut. Or one with the custardy center and a chocolate top. Voodoo does those.
Ooooooh, the Portland Creme. One of the best donuts ever. POssibly with the exception of their raspberry puree-filled chocolate-covered voodoo dolls with the pretzel rod through the heart. So yummy. I can survive someone eating bacon in my presence, even ;P
It's a really good donut. It's nearly *that good*.
Really quite good.
Mmm. Now I want doughnuts.