Cass, he's eating bacon on a maple donut. That is most definitely acceptable.
We're not vegetarian though.
But he shows a level of discerning taste and being cute that I think even a vegetarian might commute a little for this guy if he's actually that cool.
Man, I want a donut. I want that donut. Or one with the custardy center and a chocolate top. Voodoo does those.
Ooooooh, the Portland Creme. One of the best donuts ever. POssibly with the exception of their raspberry puree-filled chocolate-covered voodoo dolls with the pretzel rod through the heart. So yummy. I can survive someone eating bacon in my presence, even ;P
It's a really good donut. It's nearly *that good*.
Really quite good.
Mmm. Now I want doughnuts.
Was out dancing tonight and ran into an acquaintance who was out with friends as a bachelor party thing ( though both people getting married were there, so...). Sadly, the one person who seemed very interested in hittin on me and standing way too close was not the one I thought was cute. Ah well.
Is he a pilot? Or is that another cosplay? Either way, he's pretty cute.
I went to be soooo early last night! I'm nearly human. The coffee is definitely helping, although now I want donuts and I almost never want donuts. Ah well. I have last night's leftover biscuits anyways.
I think he is a pilot.
I agree with everyone that he id totally worth driving for.
erin, he looks like quite the adorable geek!
Gonna try to meet up in person next week! Slightly geeky pilot FTW