Hil, don't think of this as the end of your chance to have a dog. It's given you a better idea of what you can handle. You need a dog that's toilet trained and crate trained and can help narrow your search.
Thanks. I'm not going to try again for a little while, but maybe sometime later.
I'm sorry Buffy didn't work out, Hil. I have always had dogs in my life, but each and every one has been mature when I got them because I know I don't have the time or energy to housebreak an animal, or deal with puppyhood. Zoe was 2ish, Brandy was 3, Ladyjane was only 18 months, but already very well trained and disciplined. My thing was always that I wasn't willing to deal with chewing. But animals have been a constant in my life for 59 years. I just know my limits.
I just know my limits.
I think this is really so important with pets.
I'm sorry that the rescue agency couldn't find a more appropriate pairing, Hil. That's what all of the questions and home visits should help work out - if a particular dog, training for dog and/or owner or any dog is a good choice for everyone involved.
It must be very hard to have a pet adoption not work out.
Well, this was part of why I wanted it to be a foster first, and then adopt if it worked out. I wasn't expecting that my anxiety would be why it wouldn't work out, but I knew that there could be something that didn't.
Oh, Hil, that's too bad. Sounds like you made the right decision for you, and you'd be better with a totally mellow, pre-trained doggie.
Man, I just want to be moved already. KR came and helped me today for about three hours, which was awesome. All my books and bookshelves are moved. Tonight I want to box up all my kitchen stuff and breakables, I think.
I need to make one more trip over there tonight, because I have clothes. in. the. washer. and. dryer!!!! OMG, it's a beautiful house and I'm super excited about it, but the best part right now might be having a washer and dryer.
Quick drive-by to say thanks for the ~ma for my BFF's husband. He came through the surgery with zero complications and apparently was amazed at the immediate lack of pain when he awoke. Yay!
Wonderful, Epic. So glad to hear it. I don't think I typed ~ma, but I was thinking it.
Seven boxes of kitchen stuff packed. OY. And I realized I turned off the heat at the new place and for the first time all damn winter, we have a freeze warning. At least it's only a couple of blocks away. I needed work clothes for tomorrow, anyway.
OMG, i just totally started up an OKCupid conversation with a guy based solely on the fact that he has a photo of him in full Capn Tightpants regalia. Doesn't hurt that he's rocking it.
eta: Dunno if anyone else can see these photos, but i'd even be willing to drive to Washougal for this (and that's saying a lot for me!)