God bless cats, you politely show them the litter box, they look it over and indicate approval, and the subject generally doesn't need to be addressed at all.
Ideally. Hubby has occasionally gotten into Who's The Alpha Male in This House, Bucko? fights with our cats. It's kind of amusing, when we're not washing pillows.
I am not convinced teaching the dog to make even more annoyance than they are already capable of is a good thing. I guess it depends on the personality of the dog, whether they are the type that constantly wants to go out just because.
Hil, I agree that it takes constant vigilence for the first little while, and acceptance that things may get a little peed on as you snatch her up and run for the door. But once they get it it goes pretty quickly.
Well, she's not requiring all that much vigilance right now. She's flopped out on the couch, half asleep. I did have the electric blanket on, but then I realized that could be dangerous if she peed on it, so I turned it off.
Aw. I also forget she's not a puppy. They are quick learners, and she'll figure it out soon.
Man, all the wires around my desk are conspiring against me!!
My mom's rat terrier wanted "Good-girl" props for about year after she was housebroken. She'd get disappointed if you forgot.
how is your housing situation? I have been thinking about you.
I used to love dogs, but the disgusting people who live in my area and NEVER pick up after their dogs has really turned me off of them. I realize I'm going to have two sons and realistically they are going to want a dog and we will probably give in at some point, but right now? NO DOGS! I'm pretty iffy on the cats at the moment, too. #crankymama
Hey, I'm a guy, and I prefer cats. Just saying. Not a total gender thing... (Although, NoiseDesign has said in the past, sometimes I am like a 14 year old girl, or something like that...so... not exactly Mr. Masculine).
I'm not sure what to do. I'm sure she has to poop again, because she ate a few hours ago, but she's half-asleep in her playpen and won't come out. I'm worried that, if she doesn't do it now, then she'll poop in the middle of the night again, but I don't know how to make her do it now if she doesn't want to.