On the lighter side, one of our local bloggers periodically posts a picture and asks for captions. The most recent one showed a couple of teenage boys sitting on a couch that's out by the curb. The "winning" caption:
Mom’s Craigslist Post:
FREE couch, end table, lamp, and two irritating teenage boys. Already on the curb ready for pickup and in pretty good condition. On T st between 14th and 15th.
I would just say I'll see what I can do, and move forward with showing the place.
If you get a better option before then, then go with it, or at most tell the other option that you'll let them know on Sunday, and then choose who is best for you.
Thanks, Ginger. I am about to go to lunch with DH.
One of the girls in my office turns 18 today so I am treating us both to mani/pedi this afternoon. (and no, I won't dock her for the time missed because I am not a meanyhead)
Laura is a very nice boss
Happy Birthday, Laura! And you are an awesome boss!
Happy Birthday, Laura! You are a wonderful boss.
I frelled my neck somehow yesterday, and it is really distracting me from what I need to get done today. Must concentrate on my "homework" before therapy.
I totally feel like Gollum. The jeweler called to tell me my ring is ready, and I can pick it up at 4:00 (they're a tiny independent jeweler, with a staff of 3, and they have appointments throughout the day with people, so you can't really just wander in without throwing off their whole day, and I respect that).
Except I'm all, MINE! We wants the precious NOW!
Eee, precious is ready!
I recommend crouching outside the front door from now until 4:00 and snarling at anyone else who tries to enter.
That's not a bad way to kill 3 hours!
I will continue to not light the jeweler's hat on fire. But I will THINK it. I suppose that's a good test to see if I can light things on fire with the power of my mind.
(Really, I have work to do that should kill those 3 hours, but I'm all distracted now.)